Moya's Talyn

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     Waking up to the sounds of birds chirping, Dean sat up quickly, looking around him. Everything was so different. Where was he?

I must have been dreaming. He thought to himself. He pushed himself off the ground, brushing off. He looked around seeing nothing but trees and a pink glow from the sky peaking through the ceiling of leaves.

Sunrise. How the hell did I get out here?

"Sam." He called out. "Sammy, you around here?" he started towards the thinning in the trees.

"Dean?" Sam called back. "Dean, where are you?"

"Sammy, follow my voice." Dean called back out.

"Im just walking in circles, Dean."

"Stay where you are, Ill come to you. Just keep talking to me." Dean responded.

He walked towards Sams voice while Sam continued to talk.

"How did we get out here, Dean? I had the strangest dream. We were in the last battle with Chuck. Everything was falling around us. Everyone we knew was brought back from the dead..."

"By Rowena, Crowley, and Castiel?" Dean asked as he entered a clearing in the trees, finding Sam sitting cross legged on a boulder.

Sam looked up perplexed.

"It wasnt a dream?" he asked.

"How else would we have the same dream? But the better question is; how did we survive? Are we the only ones?" Dean asked while looking around.

The area Sam was in was nearly identical to where Dean woke up.
Trees. They were surrounded by trees.

"Come on, Sammy. By the looks of the sky, the sun is just rising." Dean stated as be headed off into the trees ahead of them.

They continued walking for what seemed like hours. Hearing a rustling noise close by, the two brothers stopped. Slowly and quietly walking towards the sounds, Dean took in the surrounding area. The leaves began to fall in this part of the wooded area. The leaves weren't as green. He could hear the rushing sound of water nearby. Stopping abruptly to listen to the rustling sound again, Sam nearly ran into him.


"Shhh, Sammy. I hear something." Dean shushed his brother.

Dean walked into an opening and stopped at the sight in front of them. They reached the end of the wooded area. On the other side of the tree line was the running water Dean heard. The rustling sound was kids playing in a pile of leaves while a woman was washing clothing in the calm part of the rushing water.

"Uh, Dean," Sam started as he tugged at Deans sleeve.

Dean looked to Sam and followed where Sam was pointing up. The sky was pink. Not a sunrise or sunset pink. It was pink with bright white fluffy clouds.

"What the hell did we step into?" Dean asked more to himself than to Sam.

The two brothers walked towards the calm stream to cross. When the woman noticed the two men walking towards her, she scurried to gather her belongings and rushed the children into the small cabin near the shore

As Sam and Dean were stepping onto the bank, a man was walking out onto the porch.

"Can I help you gentlemen?" he asked gripping a shotgun.

Dean and Sam both stopped and held their hands up in defense.

"We're just lost, sir, we mean to trouble." Sam stated.

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