Earths Last War

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The group met in the bunkers garage to gear up. Everyone was going through their vehicles grabbing guns, knives, holy oil, and ammo; anything that could be used as a weapon.

"How exactly do we kill God?" Raven asked breaking the silence.

Sam peaked above the trunk of the Impala and looked confused. Bobby stepped beside Raven and said,

"Sam. Dean. This is Raven. My niece."

"Uh, nice to meet you." Sam stated in almost question form.

"What my brother means is," Dean closed the trunk. "We wish we were meeting under better circumstances." He said flinging a book bag over his shoulder.

"Killing God will be tricky." Michael showed up next to Sam and Dean.

"Hey, is uh, our brother going to fight at all in this?" Dean asked.

Michael looked to Dean and shook his head no.

"Adam knows he is not strong enough on his own."

"Do you mind if we, uh," Sam started but before he could finish Michael closed his eyes and Adam's body relaxed.

"Hey guys." Adam said as he opened his eyes.

"Kid, listen," Dean started.

"No, Dean. I'm in this. He's right. I'm not strong enough on my own but he is stronger with me as his vessel. If this is how I go out, then so be it. At least I die fighting for the world, literally."

A strong hand came down on Adam's shoulder. The three brothers looked over at their father standing next to them.

"Spoken like a true Winchester." John said. "I am so proud of all of my boys."

He pulled the three of them in for a hug. Soon Mary was wrapped around all of them embracing the moment.

"Ok. Listen up, everyone. When this starts, we don't stop until its over, or until the world has ended." Castiel said. "Dont lose your focus on what the goal here tonight is. We are..." before he finished, the entire building began shaking.

The walls were beginning to crumble. The vehicles in the garage were all bouncing around. Everyone started grabbing a hold of anything to try and balance themselves. The cement beneath their feet began cracking. And just as quickly as it started, it stopped.

Everyone looked around the garage at one another.

"You're having a party and I wasn't invited?" A voice coming from the front of the garage made everyone turn their attention towards him.

"Chuck." Dean glared.

"Dean. My favorite character. Ah, well I'm here, let the party begin." Chuck said and snapped his fingers.

The entire group of people was in the warehouse in California. Dean was the first one to run towards Chuck. He tightened the grip on the angel blade and plunged it towards Chucks chest. Chuck flicked his finger and Dean flew back into a wall sliding to the floor in a daze.

Others were now charging towards Chuck. There was commotion behind the group as Amara appeared. Rowena and Crowley were both chanting and holding onto their powers. Rowena pushed her hands towards Amara sending her flying backwards. She stood up and brushed herself off unscathed.

Naomi and Hannah pulled out their angel blades and both charged at Amara. Naomi was thrown to the ground while Hannah was suspended in the air before flying back into a wall, breaking the concrete. Amara squeezed both fists and the two angels died in a flash of blue light.

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