To Family

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Throughout the few hours Raven was sleeping, Castiel laid next to her watching. Her chest would rise and lower in an even rhythm to her breathing. Every once in a while her eyes would twitch, brow would wrinkle, and she'd jump but never woke up. During those times he would gently rest his hand on her arm, rubbing her skin with his thumb and she seemed to calm within seconds.

Morning arrived with a knock on the door just before it opened slowly. Dean poked his head in and noticed Castiel first. He looked away uncomfortable for a second then back to him.

"Michael say's it's time to head out."

Castiel nodded, shifting on the bed to sit up. He gently shook Raven's shoulder to wake her.

Raven protested in a groan when she opened her eyes seeing it was still dark outside.

"What?" she whined?

"It's time." Castiel basically whispered.

Raven nodded, sitting up rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She yawned, stretched, and then looked at Castiel as if she just remembered last night.

"Cas," she looked down at her hands, fidgeting with her fingers.

Castiel brushed the back of his fingers across her cheek, traced her jaw line and pulled her face towards him looking into her eyes deeply.

"Don't. If this doesn't change anything between us, I still have no regrets about staying with you last night. I'm just happy that you let me be there for you." He rose to his feet reaching for his tie.

She took this time to hurry to the bathroom.

When they walked into the living room everyone was huddled around the coffee table consulting with Michael about the day's plans.

""It's about time, brother." Michael stated without turning his head to look back at them.

Castiel made no remark only joined the group to listen.

"As I was saying, Gabriel will locate the exact location of the pod, Sam and Dean will be ready to round them all together, attacking if necessary. We want them all together, not scattered. Castiel will be at the ready to destroy at any given moment."

"Where does that leave me?" Raven asked.

"With me. I am not taking any chances of you distracting Castiel from doing his job. If you're with me his focus will be solely on the task at hand."

Dean nodded back and forth considering the plan.

"He's not wrong, Ray." Sam added.

"Seriously? I'm benched because an angel worries? He worries about them, too." She gestured to Sam and Dean.

"Not like he worries about you." Gabriel stated looking over to her. "For once, I agree with my brother. Stay with him. It will ease all of our minds knowing you're safe."

Raven glared at Gabriel as she crossed her arms defiantly.

"Y'all suck." She pouted.

This reaction even caused a chuckle out of Michael, a very small one, but still some form of emotion none the less.

"You won't be away completely. I'm still going with them; you'll just be at my side when they leave for battle." He explained.

Content with the plans, everyone stood and braced themselves for Michael to teleport them.

     Gabriel stood at the edge of the roof searching, scanning the entire city. The wind was strong and cold on the roof of a skyscraper. Raven's hair was blowing wildly as the wind picked up causing her to hug her middle to fight off the chill. Castiel removed his coat noting her temperature lowering. He placed it around her shoulders, smiling. She reached up to pull it tighter around her, smiling back at him feeling her stomach jump and heart skip again.

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