She's Gone

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"You do know my brother is going to show up, right?" Gabriel asked Raven as they were slow dancing.

"Most-likely, but we got work to do. As far as I can tell..." she casually looked around the bar behind Gabriel. " one is paying us any attention.

"That's where you're wrong, my dear." Gabriel said as he scanned the bar behind Raven.

Raven shifted to turn and look at what he was referring to but he tightened his grip. She began to struggle against him but he leaned in so close to her ear his lips grazed her skin as he whispered,

"We're being watching by the bartender. He's had his eye on you since we walked through the door. Looking now would only draw more attention to you."

Raven relaxed, ending the struggle.

"We're not the only ones dancing, Gabriel. He could be watching everyone."

"His eyes have not left your ass. Believe me; he's not paying anyone else any attention." He said sliding his hand up her back and tangling her hair around his fingers.

"Gabriel." Her entire body stiffened at his touch.

"Do you want him to think we're together or not?"

"We can give that impression without groping on another."

He didn't remove his hand, just continued to guide her body to the rhythm of the song, slowly swaying back and forth. They slowly made their way around in a circle; she was now facing the bartender who did nothing to avert his eyes. He was completely unaffected at the sight of her watching him watch her.

"You're right, this guy is creepy." She said pulling Gabriel closer out of reaction to feel protected.

"Any closer and any other guy would get the wrong idea about what you may be wanting." He softly spoke against her neck.

"I guess it's a damn good thing you're not any other guy. Now please stop with the extra touching, it's not necessary."

"She's damn right it's not necessary."

Raven and Gabriel both looked to see Castiel and Dean standing in front of them. Castiel had his fists clenched at the side of him, glaring at his brother.

"What the hell, guys?" she threw her hands in the air and walked off the dance floor leaving the three men standing there arguing.

She sat on a bar stool, flagged the bartender down and asked for a beer. He set down a brown bottle in front of her and walked away. The bottle was yanked out of her hands just before it reached her lips and a hand was under her arm dragging her off of the bar stool.

Yanking her arm free she turned to see a blonde standing next to her.

"Time for you to go." She said through clenched teeth.

"What? Keep your hands off of me." Raven stepped away from her.

The woman's eyes flicked before she blinked causing Raven to stagger backwards. She looked back to the dance floor where she left Dean, Castiel, and Gabriel; the three of them were headed towards her seemingly unknowing as to what was going on.

She's a Nebari.

Raven noticed Castiel and Gabriel quickening their steps, Dean following suit.

"I said it's time for you to go." The woman repeated.

"But I'm not doing anything wrong." Raven argued.

"I'll escort you outside, or I can have my bartender do it. I'm sure he'd enjoy tossing you out back with how he's been watching you since you walked in."

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