Our Best Friend Is God

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"Dude, when did you start sleeping?" Dean asked walking down the hall finding Castiel sleeping on the floor in front of Raven's door.

Castiel slowly sat up rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
"I'm not sure." He looked up at Dean, quickly climbing to his feet. He looked around realizing where he was, closing his eyes ashamed.

"Do you feel weak at all? And why the hell are you on the floor in front of Raven's door?" Dean asked pointing his thumb to the door.

"This never happened." Castiel said sternly, standing straight and stiff.

Dean raised an eye brow, titled his head to the side and nodded.

"Okay..." he said and continued his walk to the kitchen.

Commotion from the other side of Raven's door caused Castiel to quickly vanish before she opened it. He appeared in the kitchen startling Dean, quickly taking a seat at the table.

Raven walked around the corner still in her flannel pajama's rubbing her eyes.

"Who was talking in the hallway?" she asked yawning.

"No one, we've been in here." Castiel quickly replied causing Dean to close his mouth and give him another raised brow.

"Huh, I could have sworn there were voices..." she said brushing it off as she grabbed a coffee mug from the wall.

The kitchen consisted of your regular cooking and baking appliances, an oversized side by side refrigerator with a matching freezer built into the wall; a stainless steel prep table next to the stove. Above the stove was a microwave tucked into a cubby space connected to six cabinets mounted on the wall above counter space. On the counter sat a toaster, toaster oven, a digital cappuccino machine/coffee maker that looked as if it could fly off at any given moment, and a regular coffee pot that Dean was pouring coffee from. On the wall next to the coffee pot were rows of hooks mounted with coffee mugs hanging from each one.

She tapped her nails against the mug as she looked over the digital coffee machine.

"How do you use this?" she asked looked at Dean.

"That thing is a transformer waiting to come to life and murder us all in our sleep. I'm sticking to Mr. Coffee Pot over here. He's never let me down." Dean sipped his coffee, turned and sat across from Castiel.

Raven laughed and poured coffee from the coffee pot.

"Any chance the fridge is stocked? I use creamer." She stated as she opened the refrigerator seeing it fully stocked with necessities and other goodies. She eagerly grabbed the Coffee Mate creamer and danced back to the counter.

"Dude, they have Coffee Mate on this planet!" she exclaimed as she poured a good tablespoon or two into the mug and watched the black liquid swirl into a creamy caramel color.

Castiel sniffed the air and looked over to Raven.

"What is that smell?" he asked thoroughly interested in the fragrance coming from Raven's mug.

"Coconut crème creamer." She answered as she put it away.

She eagerly picked up her mug, cupping it in her hands feeling the warmth of it. Leaning over the mug slightly and inhaling deeply before she took a sip. A satisfied smile spread across her face and she sighed and said,

"My favorite part of the morning."

This dramatic scene made Dean laugh.

"You may need a cold shower after the way you caress your mug before devouring it."

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