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"I really get to come here whenever I want to?" Savanah was bouncing up and down in front of Buck and Julie as Castiel explained to her how they came through her closet door.

"Well, we'll have to apply some rules, times that you're allowed through, maybe even get a hold of Raven before you just go popping in on them." Julie said bending down to meet her daughter's eyes.

"What about Tommy? He breaks everything." Savannah said almost in a pout.

"This can't be broken unless I break it." Castiel stated.

"Besides, Tommy will be too focused on his video games to mess with you." Buck stated.

"Although that doesn't mean you two should continue fighting. You're siblings and siblings don't fight." Julie said smoothing out Savannah's dress before she stood up.

She glanced over at Sam and Dean who both were trying hard to keep any type of expression off of their faces.

"So you can really just flash all of our things over to our new house?"Julie asked looking to Castiel.

"Now that Buck showed me the layout of the house, yes. You tell me where you want things and I can send it with ease."

"Well alright, let's get going. We'll start with Vannah's room." Julie stated.

"Already done."

"But..." she said confused looking at all of Savannah's things still in the bedroom.

"I duplicated her bedroom so that she always has a comfort zone here." He explained as he stole a glance at Raven.

Raven caught his glance and smiled at him, a silent thank you.

Thank you, Cas.

Castiel's eyes widened as if she was shocked that she silently spoke to him.

"Right, well, Sammy and I are going to go explore." Dean said feeling awkward.

"Wait, you guys." Castiel stopped them. He pulled boxes from his coat pocket and handed them to Sam and Dean.

"They have cell phones here?" Dean asked looking up.

"It seems as if this planet is much like Earth but a little more technologically advanced." Castiel explained. He looked to Raven, "I have one for you in your room of the bunker."

"Mommy, does this mean I can call Raven, too?" Savannah asked Julie.

"No sweetie, we don't use cell phones. We have a house phone at the other house." Julie answered.

"I can..." Castiel offered. "If it's ok with you."

Julie looked to her husband.

"You're already doing enough for us by moving our home." Julie said.

"Please, it's nothing really." Castiel said as he made two more boxes appear and handed them to Buck and Julie.

Julie took hers and looked it over, reading the printing on the front and back. She looked back to Castiel and said,

"Thank you."

     When Castiel was done moving all of their belongings to their new home, Buck and Julie, each holding a child, disappeared through the portal in Savannah's room. When he walked back into the living room he found Raven looking around.

"Everything ok?" he asked.

She looked at him and back to the open area.

"It's so empty." She said sadly.

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