Chuck's .45

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     Raven woke up not knowing where she was.  The last thing she remembered was sitting with Castiel on the porch swing at Buck and Julie’s.  Not knowing where she was or what time it was, she sat up and looked around the dark room trying to make something out that would tell her where she was.  She couldn’t see a thing.  She had no idea where anything was so she couldn’t even get up to look for a light switch.  She fell back into the pillows with a frustrated sigh and froze as she heard something shift next to her.  She felt the side of the bed move down as someone sat next to her.

“I can hear your heart racing.  It’s just me, Raven.” Castiel assured her.

She blew out the breath she didn’t realize she was holding.

“It’s not cool to sneak around like that, Cas.  Especially when someone has no idea where they’re at.  Where am I?” she asked sitting back up.

“Still at Buck and Julie’s.  We’re all in the basement.  They have extra rooms down here.  Dean and Sam are in the room next to you.  I just came in to check on you.”

“How did I get here?” she asked.

“I carried you.”

“You what?”

“You fell asleep on the porch swing.  Dean came out to see why we had been away for so long.  When he seen that you were sleeping, he asked Buck if it’d be ok for you guys to sleep here for the night.  Julie insisted that you guys stayed and allowed me to follow her down here to lay you down.”

Raven sat there quiet, not sure what to think.  All she knew was, she was thankful to have Dean, Sam, and Castiel in her life since everyone she knew and loved was gone.

“Bobby was your uncle?” he asked as if he read her thoughts again.

“I’m never going to get used to you reading my thoughts.” She stated.

“I can stop if it bothers you.  I apologize.”

“Just maybe don’t do it so often.”

“Ok.  I won’t.” he said.

“Yes, Bobby was my uncle.  After I lost Jenna and her father, Bobby kept checking in on me.  A few weeks before the battle, he basically begged me to move in with him.  He claimed it was because he was getting old and needed a hand around his place but I know better.  Uncle Bobby would never admit to needing help.”

“Then why would he ask you to move in with him?”

“To keep an eye on me.” She answered.  “He didn’t want me living alone.”

Before anything else was said, there was a knock on her door.

“Come in.” Raven said.

The door opened letting in a glow from a light in another room.

“Why are you sitting in the dark?  Who are you talking to?”  Dean asked.

“I’m in the dark because I have no idea where anything is.  And I’m talking to Cas.  He’s right here.” Raven answered.

“Would you like the light on?” Castiel asked.

“Sure.  May as well since I’m awake.”

Without any movements, the light turned on.  Dean looked to Castiel sitting on the bed next to Raven.

“You turned the light on?” he asked.

“I did.” Castiel replied.

“Ok well at least we know you can do that.”

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