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     The next morning Raven woke up in a much better mood than she had in the past month.  She made her way to the kitchen, no one was awake yet.

"Aeryn, what time is it?"

"5:47am.  You are the only one awake." The A.I. replied.

"Thank you. Can you play some music for me? My music.  I don't know what Moya's music is like." Raven asked moving things around in the refrigerator.

As she was setting food on the counter she heard music coming from wherever Aeryn's voice comes from.

Raven bopped and danced to the beat as she diced up ham and bacon.  She broke eggs and began mixing in special ingredients,  adding shredded cheese  and stiring.  She poured small portions into the frying pan and watched it spread as she grabbed another handful of shredded cheese and layered the egg.  She added ham, bacon,  and sausage bits and added another layer of cheese. She folded the egg in half to make an omelet and allowed it to sit a little longer to cook together.

She turned the coffee pot on as she grabbed plates from the cabinet above the coffee mugs.  Setting the plates by the stove, smiling to herself as she grabbed her creamer from the refrigerator.

She dished out omelets on four plates.  Poured four cups of coffee; two black, two coconut crème.  She set the plates on the table, along with forks and coffee.

She danced back over to the counter and began putting everything away and cleaning up her mess.  When she turned around to go wake the boys up she was surprised to see all three of them standing there watching her looking tired but very amused.

Her felt her face burning as she said,
"Aeryn, turn the music off please."

"There had better be a good reason you have music blaring before 8am." Dean grumbled.

"I made omelets and coffee." She said pointing back at the table.

Sam and Dean both headed towards the table.  She looked back to Castiel waiting for him to join them.  He was grinning at her which made her blush even more.

"Uh, I made you my coffee." She said looking away quickly, walking to the table.

She sat in front of Dean who was nearly done with his food.
"Geez, come up for air." Raven chuckled as

Castiel was pulling his chair out next to her.
She felt her body react as he slightly grazed his hand across her shoulders before he sat down.
Releasing the breath she was holding, she took a sip of her coffee.  Looking over to Dean she found him watching her with a raise eyebrow.
He looked between her and Castiel, shook his head and took the last bite left on his plate.  He stood, carrying his dishes to the sink; turned to Raven and said,
"Thanks for breakfast, it was good.  I'm going to go back to bed now."

Sam shook his head. "I swear he could sleep for days if we'd let him."

"He just doesn't know what to do with himself.  He's not used to sitting around with nothing to do."  Raven stated.

Castiel yawned causing both Raven and Sam to look at him.

"Cas?" Sam said, concern filling his voice.

"I'm fine.   I just feel tired." He said as he sipped from his coffee mug.

"Since when do you get tired?" Raven asked.

"I'm not sure. It hasn't happened for a while."

"Are you sure everything's ok?" Sam asked.

"I'm ok, Sam. No need to worry." Castiel said in his low monotoned voice.

Sam nodded, stood and cleared his place.

Castiel finished his omelets to Raven's surprise. 
"I like your cooking." He smiled when Raven looked from his plate to him.

"Thank you." She smiled as she finished her food.

She stood and reached over to grab his plate but he stopped her.

"I'll take them." He smiled taking her plate and mug from her.

He walked them to the sink with the other dishes.  Raven reached for the dish soap but he stopped her again by pulling her hand away from the faucet.

"Cas, I need to clean up."

Castiel snapped his fingers then gestured around the room.


Raven looked around in awe.

"I need to learn that trick...I guess I'll go shower since I don't have to clean up."

"Do you mind if I come with you?"

Raven looked at him in complete shock, eye brows pulled together.
"What did you just ask me?"

"Can I sit in your room while you shower? Maybe flip through the TV or however you guys say it." He replied innocently.

Raven's hand went to her forehead has if trying to figure out what just happened.  She shook her head and looked up at him.

"Sure, Cas. Come on." She laughed at herself for the reaction she had.  Of course he didn't mean it any other way.

     When Raven walked out of her bathroom she found Castiel right where she left him, laying on her bed.  Only instead of watching the TV she turned on, he was sleeping.  She stood staring at him for a moment.  She finished towel drying her hair and tossed the towel over the dresser.  She walked to her bed and reached for her sheet to cover him with.  As she turned to walk away he caught her wrist.  Turning back to him she seen his big blue eyes staring back at her.

"Stay." He said.

"Ok." Raven shifted towards the recliner but Castiel moved back and pulled her to the bed.
Raven stared at him nervously.

"Friends." He said in an assuring tone.

Raven swallowed, nodded, and climbed onto her bed.  Laying close to the edge, Castiel wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him, holding her tight.  She laid there not moving, trying to figure out what was going on.  He was acting so strange.  Sleeping, eating, and now this.  Something was going on with him and it was making her worry.

As she laid there listening to Castiel fall into a deeper sleep, his breathing evened out and became deeper as he relaxed.  Raven eventually relaxed and drifted off but not before she wrapped her arm over his and intertwined her fingers over his hand.

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