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     Castiel teleported everyone and the Impala back to the bunker's garage due to everyone being too weak to drive. Sam climbed out and hurried over to help Dean. Castiel was at Raven's door before she could reach for the handle.

"I'm fine, Cas. Just a little sore." She stated as he helped her out of the car.

"I can heal that for you. I can thoroughly heal all of you now that my focus isn't needed solely on one person."

Dean was still wobbly on his feet as they all walked into the bunker.

"Why don't you focus on Dean, Cas? He needs your attention more than Sam or I do." Raven suggested.

"I just want to go to sleep and forget this entire thing happened." Dean stated.

"What the hell were those things?" Sam asked.

"The Chiana chick said they were Nebari. Reptilian of some sort." Dean answered.

"Reptilian?" Raven asked.

"Yeah, their eyes were crazy." Dean answered.

"I knew I wasn't seeing things!" Raven told them about what she noticed when they went into town the first time.

"I'm going to see what I can find on them." Sam told them as he walked towards the library.

"So I guess Moya isn't the perfect little world we thought she was now is she?" Raven asked no one in particular.

"It had been so quiet." Castiel said. "I didn't even feel the danger. I haven't felt danger since we got here." He explained.

"This is a different world, you may be God to Earth but things here may be different." Raven said looking to him.

Castiel's worried expressions softened as his eyes met hers.

"Let's get Dean comfortable so you can help him." Raven suggested.

"I'll take him to his room." He said resting his hand on Dean's shoulder making the two of them disappear leaving Raven standing in the hallway by herself. She headed towards her room to get out of the torn bloody clothes hanging off of her body.

As she entered her room she started replaying the events that just happened. She wondered what other monsters lurked around this world. She began wondering if Castiel was mentally up for such obstacles. He was thrown into the God situation unwillingly. Could he handle it? Who do we turn to for help if he's stronger than everyone?

She turned away from the bathroom to grab clean clothes as she peeled her tank top from her skin. Seeing Gabriel appear without warning made her scream. She ran to the bathroom slamming the door shut.

"What the hell, Gabriel? You are definitely on the list of people who have to knock before entering!" she scolded.

"Sorry but you're the one who called for me." He retorted.

"I didn't call out to you."

"Did you not ask who could help little brother?"

"I was thinking to myself, Gabriel. I did not personally call out to you.

"If it has to do with either of my brothers, I show up. I'm not losing them. We've lost enough." He said quietly.

Raven felt her anger slowly fading away. She understood the feeling of not wanting to lose anyone else. She cracked the bathroom door open just enough so she could see him.

"Just, next time, please make yourself known before you pop in. Please?" she asked.

"Absolutely, sister." He replied.

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