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Shuichi's P.O.V

       "Agh!" I suddenly opened my eyes to see a black ceiling in front of me, 'Wait, what happened!? Weren't we just-' I saw Maki in front of me and she was calling out for someone, I assume. A person came and opened the cover. I sat up and stared at the man, "Hey, Shuichi." The man said, "I'm Makoto Naegi. You were in a virtual world, sorry you had to witness the killing game. What a bug. Here, let me lend you a hand." Makoto gave me a hand and helped me to lift myself up, "Maki?" I looked at Maki. Maki smiled, "Look." Maki pointed at a tube. I walked over to that tube and looked at the person that was inside the tube, "Kaito!?" I was surprised, "Oh my god.." Tears we're running down my face, "Is this real!?" I turned over to Makoto, "Yes, but.,unfortunately you have to wait for 3 months for now for the people who are dead in the virtual world to wake up." Makoto said, "Wait, why 3 months!?" Maki turned over to Makoto with a worried expression on her face, "Well, they're suppose to be dead because they died in the virtual world. But luckily, one of my friends came and now, they're trying to get them back. It will take about 3 months he said. He actually, experienced it before.." Makoto looked sad, "But, that doesn't matter! Your friend Himiko, is waiting in the lounge room with my wife. Come with me." Makoto start walking to the stairs.

         Maki and I looked at each other and followed Makoto. He opened a black door and walked down the hallway as we followed him from behind. He stopped at a white door with a golden sign that said, 'Lounge Room'. Makoto twisted the doorknob and we followed him inside. As I walked in, I saw Himiko and a purple-haired lady on a couch, talking to each other, "Nyeh! Shuichi! Maki!" Himiko looked at us and smiled. She stood up and hugged us, "Can you believe it! They're gonna be back soon!" Himiko looked excited, "I'm so happy to see Tenko and Angie soon!" Himiko started tearing up, "Woah there buster. Don't get to emotional!" Makoto chuckled and we laughed, "I.. can't wait to see Kaito again." Maki started smiling, "Hm, I'm Kyoko Naegi. Makoto's wife." Kyoko came up to me and started shaking hands with me and Maki, "It's nice to meet you, Shuichi and Maki.", "It's nice to meet you too." I replied. Kyoko offered to sit down on the couch. Me and Maki sat down on the couch. Suddenly, a lady came in with a smile on her face, "Here are the biscuits and the water you've asked for!" She gave Kyoko a tray full with biscuits and three glasses of milk, "Thanks, Aoi." Kyoko nodded and placed the tray on the table, "Eat up." Kyoko said. Maki, Himiko and I took a biscuit and ate it. The lady sat down on a small couch that is on my left, "Heya! I'm Aoi Asahina!" Aoi said. She was very energetic, "Nice to meet you! You must be Shuichi, Himiko, and Maki!" Aoi said, "Nice to meet you too." Himiko said with a smile, "Do you wish to meet my friend after this?" Makoto sat down and looked at us, three, "Yes please!" Himiko said, "I want to thank him for wanting to bring back our friends!"

      "Haha alright!" Makoto chuckled. We finished our snacks and Makoto was leading us to a room. Makoto knocked on the door, "Hey! It's me, Makoto." Makoto said, "Oh, alright." A male voice appeared from the room. A man opened the door, he had brown hair with a ahoge, two different coloured eyes and he was wearing a highschool uniform under a white coat, "Oh hey! Come in, come in." The man said. We walked inside and the room was pitch black and there are blue lights coming from the computers the man was using to bring our friends back to life, "I'm Hajime Hinata.. or Izuru Kamakura. Ultimate Hope, nice to meet you." Hajime shanked hands with me, "Is it true that you had the same experience as us?" Maki asked, "Yeah, I know how it feels loosing friends.. and... witnessing murders and.." Hajime sniffed and shook his head, "Nevermind." Hajime said, "I've been in the same situation too, but for my bad luck, it was all.. real." Makoto said, "Atleast my beloved people were up there, in heaven." Makoto said as he looked up at the ceiling, "Well, let's not talk about that." Makoto wanted to change the topic. We understood how they have felt but we don't want to mention about it ever again.

      Hajime started explaining how he bought his class back to life, though, it was kinda hard to understand how. Hajime kept talking bout 'Izuru Kamakura' and he was the reason why Hajime get his class back.

      "So, Shuichi. I've booked three rooms at a hotel. You'll be staying there for 3 months until your friends are finally alive. We will pay your food and everything." Makoto said as we walked out from the room, leaving Hajime on the work, "Wow, that will probably take big money." Himiko said, "I wish I have that kind of money. Well I don't care, I can be rich using my 'magic'! Well, I don't wanna use my magic right now since I'm tired." Himiko said, "Sigh, she's still onto that 'magic' thing." Maki said as she sighed, "Hm? You haven't got used to this kind of behaviour?" I asked, "Erk... no." Maki said.

     "Come, I will take you to the hotel." Makoto insisted. We followed him outside of the building and there was a limo, waiting for us. The three of us gasped and Makoto chuckled, "Surprised?" Makoto said with a smirk on his face. The three of us went in the limo and waited for Makoto. Makoto went to find Kyoko and Aoi. After a while, the three of them came and sat in front of us, "Take us to Dangan Hotel." Kyoko said. The driver nodded and started driving the limo, "I already feel like a celebrity!" Himiko said, "And that reminds me.." Himiko looked down on the floor and smiled, "Tenko." We stared at Himiko. Maki and I smiled and hugged Himiko, which she is between us, "Nyeh?" Himiko was confused but end up hugging us back anyways. I took a glance at Makoto and his people, they were smiling, "Oh, I wish Sakura was here." Aoi said, "You should feel happy that your friends are getting back soon." Makoto said. We nodded, "Again, thank you to your team for wanting to bring our friends back." I said, "Mhm, with this opportunity, I can see.. Kaito again." Maki said, "And Kaede." I said, "A-And also Tenko and Angie!" Himiko interrupted, "And Kirumi!", "Ryoma.", "Gonta!", "Rantaro.", "Korekiyo!", "Don't forget Miu!", "A-And.." Himiko paused, "Kokichi.." We all went silent, "Whats wrong?" Makoto asked, "No, it's nothing." Maki said, "Well with that being said, let's share ultimates!" Aoi said, "Your ultimates too?" I asked, "Yep! I'm the Ultimate Swimmer!" Aoi said, "I'm Ultimate Lucky Student." Makoto said, "I'm the Ultimate Magi- Mage." Himiko said, "I'm the Ultimate Child Care-", "Maki, you don't need to lie about your Ultimate anymore." I said as I placed my hand on Maki's shoulder. Maki looked at me with surprise and sighed, "I'm the Ultimate Assassin." Maki said with a smile, "I'm the Ultimate Detective!" I said, "Erk-" Kyoko looked surprised, "Uh, nothing." Kyoko said, "What a surprise, my wife is also the Ultimate Detective." Makoto said as he wrapped his arms around Kyoko, "Oh really? That's cool. I bet you have more experience than me though." I said. Kyoko smiled, "I bet you have even more. I think we'll be great friends, Shuichi." Kyoko said as she closed her eyes slowly with a smile on her face. She took out a piece of paper from her pocket, "Heres my number. I would like to get to know you more." Kyoko said, "Ah, thanks." I took the paper firmly.

The limo stopped, "We're here." The driver said. The six of us got out of the car and I looked at the hotel. I was amazed. The hotel was huge, "This is one of the most luxurious hotel. Please enjoy your stay!" Aoi said. The driver got out and took out three big luggages, "We bought some clothes for you guys and other certain things." Kyoko said, "Wow, thank you!" I said happily. We went in the hotel and many waitresses came and helped with the luggages immediately. Makoto went to the counter as we followed him, "We're the Future Foundation. We have booked three rooms for these guests that we were talking about." Makoto said, "Future Foundation?" Maki repeated and her head was in the clouds, "Oh yes, Future Foundation! Heres the keys." The man said as he handed over three golden keys, "Thank you." Makoto said as he bowed a little. He handed over the keys to Maki, Himiko and me, "If you ever lose to key, don't worry, this hotel always have spares." Makoto said. The man went out from the counter and called out a waitress to sent us to our rooms, "Hello, I'm Miss.Kubusyu. I will lead you to your rooms and I will also be your personal maid." Miss.Kubusyu said, "Well you go off to your rooms now. We will see you in a few weeks to check on you guys." Kyoko said, "Ah, thanks again, Makoto." I thanked, "Your welcome. Goodbye now!" Makoto and his people went out from the hotel. Maki, Himiko and I waved goodbye and we were handled by Miss.Kubusyu.

-Hello! I hope you like this chapter so far. I'm really hyped for this book since I have this idea for a long time now. I will try my best to update this book every weekend. So yeah, thank you for really the first part and see you next weekend. Goodbye!

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