K1-B0 and Tsumugi Shirogane

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Shuichi's P.O.V

It's been three months. We three are very excited to see our friends again. Makoto came to pick us up and his assistants carried the suitcases. Maki was about to tear up, she's excited to see Kaito. Himiko couldn't stop talking about Tenko and Angie while we are in the limo. I also started talking about Kaede and I already made plans what we will do together. We arrived at the big building and we went inside. We headed into Hajime's room and we saw him talking with a person, "Ah, Nagito. It's nice to see you!" Makoto said as he shake the guy's hands, "It's nice to see you again!" The guy said. He looked at us and smiled, "You must be the people that survived the killing game in the Virtual World, right?" He stood up, "I'm Nagito Komaeda! It's nice to meet you!" Nagito shake my hand. He suddenly paused and stared at me. I felt kinda uncomfortable, "Wow!" Nagito exclaimed, "Such hope in you!" Nagito said as he let go of my hand, "Now, now Nagito, don't frighten them with your obsession with hope.." Hajime chuckled, "Aha! Your right Hajime!" Nagito said, "Obsession with hope?" Himiko repeated, "Oh it's nothing! You don't really need to know that part of me." Nagito said, "But, hope will always win over despair!" Nagito exclaimed as Hajime hit his head, "Owh!" Nagito said as he grabbed his head, "Don't mind him." Hajime said, "Your friend, named K1-B0 I think, will wake up in a minute-" Hajime paused as he looked through the window, "Hah, your friend is alive." Hajime said, "Let's go!" Makoto said. We put smiles on our faces and followed Makoto to the tubes. He pressed a button and the cover opened. Keebo sat up with a shock on his face, "Shuichi!? Maki? Himiko!?" Keebo said, "What's going on!?" Keebo said, "We will explain everything to you later once everybody wakes up." Shuichi said, "Wait, 'everybody'?" Keebo looks confused. I gave a hand to Keebo to help him stand up and Himiko pointed at the tubes, "Oh my god!" Keebo shouted and immediately rushed to a tube, "Miu!?" Keebo looked at Miu's body inside a tube, peacefully sleeping. Keebo smiled, "I want to cry but I can't.." Keebo said. Keebo sat down next to Miu's tube, "So your saying.. the Killing Game was.. fake?" Keebo looked at me, "Yep. We were in a Virtual World and Monokuma managed to get in and started a Killing Game." Shuichi said, "And everybody who is dead in the Virtual World will wake up soon." Keebo smiled, "I'm glad its all fake." Keebo said, "Hey, didn't you say you will explain everything once everybody woke up." Himiko said, "Oh! I forgot.." I chuckled. Maki went to Keebo and shake his hand, "Y'know, thank you for.. trying to create hope for us." Maki smiled. Keebo eyes widened and smiled, "I'm glad you appreciated it." Keebo said. Himiko went to Keebo and hugged him immediately, "Woah there!" Keebo said as we all laughed. Makoto went up to Keebo and greeted him, "Hello, I'm Makoto Naegi. A worker of this place. This is my wife." Makoto introduced Kyoko, "I'm Kyoko Naegi, it's nice to meet you." Kyoko bowed and shake hands with Keebo, "W-Wah! This is too formal!" Keebo eyes widened. Kyoko and Makoto looked at each other and laughed, "I like this student." Makoto said, "Wait really!?" Keebo said. Makoto nodded, "I'm guessing your K1-B0, Ultimate Robot. Judging from your appearance." Kyoko said, "I-Is that a robophobic remark?" Keebo asked, "Eh?" Kyoko looked confused, "Oh, sorry." Keebo chuckled.

Suddenly, Himiko pulled my sleeve and I looked down to her. Himiko gave me a sign to bend down and I did what she told me to, "Didn't Tsumugi said we aren't students of Hope's Peak Academy in the Virtual World? Makoto just called Keebo a 'student'." Himiko said, "Ah, that's true.." I said, "Lets ask Makoto after everybody woke up." Himiko nodded, "Oh, another one is waking up." Makoto said. Keebo looked shocked and ran up to me, "It's Tsumugi Shirogane." Keebo whispered, "Fuck." I muttered. Makoto opened the cover and there it is, Tsumugi Shirogane. Mastermind of the Killing Game in the Virtual World.

She looked surprised and turned her head to us, "Ah, Shuichi.." Tsumugi stood up, "I.." She paused and looked down. Makoto and Kyoko went up to me and asked, "What's up with her?" Makoto asked, "Nothing, we will deal with this." I turned my face to Makoto. He looked worried and confused, "Should I go?" Makoto asked, "Yes, please." I said. Makoto and Kyoko went upstairs and shut the door. I walked over to Tsumugi and put on a straight face, "Tsumugi." I said. Tsumugi looked at me with a sad expression on her face. She bend down on her knees and put her two hands on the floor. She looked down and started crying, "I am deeply sorry. Sorry, for everything I have forced you guys to do the Killing Game. I'm sorry I killed of Rantaro and framed Kaede. I'm sorry for trying to make hope win. I'm sorry for all the bad things I have done. It's okay you don't want to forgive me. I deserve it. I'm a loser. I'm so plain. I'm a nobody." Tsumugi apologised. I looked down on Tsumugi, "There is a question I want to ask you." I said. Tsumugi looked at me. There were tears, rolling down her cheeks, her eyes were red. I felt kinda bad for her, "Yes, what is it?" She asked, "Why do you want this Killing Game to happen? Why are you the mastermind?" I asked, "Also, you can stand up now." Tsumugi stood up and took a handkerchief out from her pocket and wiped her tears off her cheeks. She took a deep breathe, "I was forced to be a mastermind." Tsumugi said, "Forced?" I repeated, "Yes, forced." Tsumugi nodded slowly, "I suddenly woke up in the Hidden Room and Monokuma was waiting there for me. He forced me to be the mastermind of this Killing Game or he will kill me without anybody knowing. I was afraid, I don't want to be killed. So, I agreed. He showed me how to make those Flashback Light and told that the stories I will made up will all be fake and told me what was really going on. After Monokuma announced the first motive to everyone, he said that I must kill somebody to make this Killing Game start if nobody is gonna attempt to try to kill. Again, he told me I would be killed if I did that. So I killed Rantaro and framed Kaede." Tsumugi explained, "I'm.. sorry." Tsumugi apologised again, "You.." I paused and stared at Tsumugi, continuing to cry. I opened my two arms and Tsumugi looked up, confused, "It's okay." I muttered. Tsumugi smiled and hugged me, "I apologised again for framing Kaede and making the Killing Game start." Tsumugi whispered, "Shut up, it's okay." I said. Tsumugi giggled and hugged me tighter. Soon, Maki, Himiko and Keebo joined the hug, "I forgive you Tsumugi." Maki said, "So do I." Keebo said, "Me too!" Himiko said.

We all let go of Tsumugi as she wipe of the tears. She giggled again and looked at everybody, "Thank you." She said. Aoi brought Tsumugi up the stairs to give her snacks and comfort while we stood there, waiting for our other friends to wake up.

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