Meeting Parents

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Two chapters in one day, let's goooo

Kaede's P.O.V

      We started a feast at the Lounge Room. Everybody was smiling, some even cry to think that they don't deserve this ending. Shuichi and Kokichi were talking to their parents happily. I wonder, what are my parents like? How was my past self personality was like? I'm very curious. The door opened and we saw a person with brown hair, "Makoto! Here's what you requested." The guy said, holding 13 phones, "Thank you, Yasuhiro!" Makoto came and took the 13 phones, "No problem." The guy named Yasuhiro left the room, "Okay guys. Here are your phones, Maki, Shuichi and Himiko already got theirs." Makoto said as he started handing out the phones, "Thank you." Shuichi thanked them. They left the room ad closed the door, "Korekiyo! Hand me the jug of orange juice please!" Tenko said. Korekiyo took the jug and reached out to give to Tenko, "Thanks!" Tenko said. We continued eating. After a while, we all cleaned up ourselves but Kirumi ended up doing everything else. No matter how much we tell her to take a break, she'll just keep cleaning. That's the part we don't like about Kirumi.. but I guess we kinda got used to it. We started playing with our phones, Tsumugi teacher Gonta how to use a phone and Korekiyo also started to teach Kirumi since she's also not familiar with technology. Aoi came in and smiled, "Hiya! I just want to say your parents are outside! Kyoko will be waiting for you and guide you to your parents!" Aoi said, "Our.. parents?" Kaito said. The room was very quiet, "Well, then. Let's go." I said as I opened up the door. Everybody stood up except for Shuichi and Kokichi. They went out, including me and saw Kyoko outside, "Are you ready?" Kyoko asked. We nodded, "I'm.. not prepared." Tenko said, "It's okay Tenko." Himiko said, "I will guide you!" Himiko said. Tenko nodded and smiled. Kyoko opened up a big door and there were, a bunch of adults, "Kaede, your parents are there." Kyoko pointed. I looked over and my eyes widened, "Your also siblings with Korekiyo." Kyoko said. I looked up to Korekiyo, his eyes were wide, "Korekiyo, are you okay?" Kaede asked, "I-I'm fine.." Korekiyo stuttered, "You stutter! You never stuttered before!" I said, "Kaede, Kaede.. it's better if you don't know the truth." Miu said, "It's horrifying." Kaito said. I was confused but forgets it anyways. Korekiyo and I went to our parents and smiled, "Hello, mom and dad!" I said. They looked over to us and their eyes widened, "K-Kaede.. Korekiyo!?" The blond haired lady stuttered. She started crying and hugged me immediately, "Oh my god." She cried over my shoulder, "Korekiyo.." The black and white haired man touched Korekiyo's shoulder, "It's so good seeing you again."

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     My mom cleared her throat, "I'm Sonia Tanaka. This is your dad, Gundham Tanaka." she said as she wrapped an arm around my dad's waist. He kissed her forehead and smile, "Kaede, Korekiyo. How was your experience in the killing game?" he asked, "It was.. traumatising." Korekiyo said, "My motive to kill was fake." Korekiyo said, "My execution was meaningless. My plan failed to kill the mastermind. It was scary as well, I'm never gonna participate in a killing game ever again." I said. They chuckled, "I'm glad you finally realise that participating in the game is traumatising. You guys were so desperate to join and begged many times." Mom said, "Really? I'm so sorry.." I apologised, "No need to apologise. Come here." She said as she started hugging Korekiyo and I. Dad also join in and hugged us, "W-Wow.." Korekiyo started crying, "Korekiyo.. don't cry.." mom said, "I just.. never thought- I- I-" Korekiyo stuttered and started sniffing a lot, "It's okay. I know how it feels to get brainwashed and getting a new fake memory that you had no parents." Dad said, "Dad? Have you participated in a killing game before?" I asked, "Yes, and that's how I met your mother." He said as we let go of eachother, "Really?" I asked, "Yes, really." mom nodded. We started chatting about the killing game. It was.. somehow the best moment of my life to finally see my parents again.

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