Gonta and Miu

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Tsumugi's P.O.V

     I still felt regret on participating in this killing game. Now, almost all my friends are completely different persons. I stroll of to the lounge room, planning to have some biscuits. I opened the door and saw Kokichi and Kaito chasing after eachother, "You better give me back Maki Roll's hair pin!" Kaito shouted. Kyoko and Maki were sitting on the couch, giggling. Maki turned her head to me and turned on a straight face, 'She probably still hates me..' I thought to myself. I sat down far away from her and took a biscuit from the small table. I started nibbling on the biscuit. I looked down on the floor and started thinking, 'I'm pretty sure Gonta is gonna wake up next. Ah.. I have been waiting for this moment. He's finally gonna wake up!' I smiled for myself, 'Gonta..' The door suddenly was opened and Hajime walked in, "How' is it, Hajime?" Kyoko asked, "It's going great! They all will be awake soon. I heard the news that Makoto is gonna bring them back to school." Hajime said, "Wait, we're going back to school?" I asked, "Is it that school where our past selves used to be at?" Kokichi came and sat down and gave Kaito Maki's hair pin, "Huh, how do you know that information? I'm quiet positive that ya'll memories were erased except for Tsumugi." Hajime looked surprised, "I told them everything." I said. Hajime looked surprised, "Huh! I thought you were gonna tell them when they all are awake." Hajime said then he sipped a glass of orange juice, "I couldn't wait any longer." I chuckled softly, "They need to know the truth." I smiled down. The room was filled with silence. They all were staring at me. They need to know the truth. I can't hold back any longer. I miss them, I don't want the new them. It feels so weird. Kaede being positive? Shuichi is not a Danganronpa fan and a horny person? Kaito encouraging everybody? Maki rivalry with Kokichi? Kokichi being a jerk? It feels weird! I don't want this! I want to go back where we all have so much in common, we used to laugh together, cry together.. but now, all of that was all gone. I can't bring them back to where we used to be anymore. I don't want this. Why did I used to be so excited on participating into this killing game? I started crying, "I don't want this." I whispered, "Tsumugi.." Kyoko came to me and rubbed my back, "Shh.. Sh.. it's gonna be okay.." Kyoko hugged me and pat my head, "I don't want this.. I don't them to completely change! I want their old selves back!" I shouted. Everybody looked shocked, "Sh.. Sh.. just let out your anger.. everything will be okay." Kyoko said, "I want where we used to laugh, and cry together. Now everybody has change!" I continued crying, "No, they won't change. It will take a couple of months though. All they need is to get all their memories back, well, their personalities will be a bit mixed with the In Game personalities." Kyoko said, "Really?" I sniffed, "Yes, really." Kyoko smiled and I put her head on her shoulder for comfort, I eventually fell asleep.

Maki's P.O.V

I watched as Tsumugi slowly fall asleep on Kyoko's shoulders, "Pretty much a mom and a daughter moment." Kaito said. I turned my head to look as his face, "Ah! Here's your pin back." Kaito put my pin on my skirt, "Thank you." I thanked him as I clipped the hair pin on my hair. I noticed that Kaito was staring at me the whole time and I started to feel uncomfortable, "Why are you staring at me, thats creepy.." I said, "Ah! Sorry Maki Roll, your just.. cute." Kaito chuckled then patted my head. I blushed and quickly hugged a cushion, 'I'm.. cute?' I thought to myself, "So.. are you guys dating or not?" Kokichi asked, "Ugh-" I wanted to stood up but Kaito stopped me. He looked at Kokichi and smiled, "Yes, maybe we are now dating." Kaito said, "K-Kaito!" I stuttered, "Come on, Maki roll. Don't you like me? You even confessed to me before I died!" Kaito chuckled, "I.." I was speechless, "Hffmm.." I don't know what to say so I sat back down and crossed my arms as Kaito pulled me into a hug, "Jeez, no need to remind me that I'm single.." Hajime said. We laughed.

Suddenly, the door swung opened and there he is, Gonta Gokuhara, "Hello everybody! Shuichi said to Gonta that the rest are here!" Gonta smiled cheerfully, "Gonta! My man!" Kaito stood up and walked to Gonta as he hugged him, "How are you, Gonta?" Kaito asked as he let go of Gonta, "Gonta is doing fine! Gonta can't believe Gonta will be alive again." Gonta said, "GONTA!" Kokichi jumped and hugged him, "Hello Kokichi!" Gonta said, "I- I'm sorry for making you to kill Miu.." Kokichi frowned as he still continued to hug Gonta, "It's okay Kokichi! Gonta will do whatever Kokichi wants!" Gonta said, "Come sit down Gonta, have a snack." Hajime offered. Gonta nodded and sat down on the couch and took a biscuit, "I'm Hajime Hinata, I'm the person who saved you and kept you alive." Hajime introduced himself to Gonta, "I'm Kyoko Naegi. I'm a worker here." Kyoko said, "Ooh! I'm Gonta Gokuhara! Ultimate Entomologist!" Gonta introduced himself, "We already know, Gonta. Help yourself with eating some biscuits. Here, let me pour tea for you." Kyoko said as she poured some tea in a cup, "Thank you, Kyoko." Gonta thanked. He looked over to me and smiled. I smiled back, "I'm glad your back, Gonta." I said, "Gonta is glad to be back too! Now Gonta can protect friends again!" He said cheerfully. I nodded and took a biscuit and start nibbling on it.

Keebo's P.O.V

My head is going crazy. My face is getting redder and redder. My hands are shaking. I felt like I wanted to jump, "Keebo, are you okay?" Shuichi asked as he chuckled, "Your face is like a tomato!" He pointed out, "Oh Shuichi! Isn't it obvious that they are excited because Miu is gonna wake up next?" Himiko said, "Miu? Ah! Now I remember, you like Miu." Shuichi said, "Yes! I can't wait for her to wake up. My mind is going crazy like a rollercoaster!" I said, "Calm yourself, Keebo." Shuichi chuckled as Himiko laughed, "I can't!" I smiled cheerfully. Suddenly, there's a knock. I walked over to Miu's pod and she.. was awake. She knocked on the pod and I immediately pressed a button as the cover of the pod swung open. She sat up and rubbed her neck, "Huh?" She looked around then looked at me. She was speechless, like me, "Keebo..?" Miu said. I smiled and started crying, "Oh my god." I covered my mouth with my both hands, "Your.. human?" Miu asked, "Yes.." I said as I offered her a hand. She held my hand then I pulled her up. She stood up, "Wh-Wha?" She turned her head everywhere. She then brushed off her skirt then walked out the pod, "Keebo.." She looked at me, "Yes?" I said. She immediately hugged me, "I missed you." She said, "I.. missed you too" I started crying again. I can feel her tears running down my back, "I thought I would never see you again." I said, "Me too.." She said. We continued hugging for a while then she let go of me, "Here." I gave her a tissue. She took the tissue then wiped her tears with it, "Do you want me to help you walk?" I asked, "Yes, please. My neck is hurting so bad." She said as I chuckled. I gave her a hand to help her walk.

We walked over to Shuichi then she smiled, "Hey pooichi! Never thought I'd see you ugly face again! I bet you didn't expect to see me, the gorgeous, genius girl! Bet you feel that you wanna fuck me now." Miu said, "Aha, no. But, glad to have you back, Miu." Shuichi said, "Pfft, I expect more than that." Miu said. We walked over to Himiko, "Hey Himiko! Still not over with that fucking magic thing? Bettcha you still haven't." Miu said, "Of course I'm not and it's real! Magic is real!" Himiko said, "Yeah, yeah! Whatever." She smirked, "Come, let's go to the Lounge room. The others are there." I said. I helped her walk to the Lounge room and opened the door. We walked in and saw the others. Gonta looked surprised and stood up, "Miu.." Gonta said, "G-Gonta!?" Miu stuttered. She looked scared. Gonta went to Miu and hugged him, "Gonta is sorry! Gonta is so so sorry for killing Miu." He said. Miu hugged back and cried, "I.. I forgive you Gonta. I know that bitch Kokichi commanded you to kill me." Miu said. He let go of her and smiled. He went back and sat back at the couch, "Hey Miu!" Kokichi came with a smirk on his face, "Y-You!" Miu stuttered again, "Miss me?" Kokichi asked, "She definitely did not miss you, Kokichi. Leave her alone." I said as I stood in front of Miu, "Awwh, I see you two are now dating." Kokichi said in his sweet voice, "I never knew somebody will like a cum dumpster like you!" Kokichi said, "Heeee!" Miu hugged my back, "Still weak as ever, huh? You can't underestimate me, Miu!" Kokichi laughed, "Leave her alone, Kokichi." Maki said as she stood up with her scary eyes, "H-! Fine!" Kokichi went back to his seat. Maki went to us, "Hey Miu. Still horny as ever?" Maki asked, "Fuck yeah I am!" Miu said as she put her hands on her hips, "Agh!" She rubbed her neck, "Jeez! My neck hurts so much!" Miu said, "Gonta feel the same! Gonta feel pain on Gonta's stomach." Gonta said, "Its probably from how you got killed in the game." Kyoko said, "It's usually like that." Kyoko sipped her tea, "Ah, that explains why." Miu said, "Help yourself, Miu." Kyoko said, "Sure." Miu nodded as she sat down next to Gonta, "Im guessing Korekiyo is gonna wake up next." Maki said, "That incest guy? Fuck him" Miu said, "Aha, well.. I hope he learned his lesson. He literally got betrayed by his sister in his execution." Kaito said, "Now, now.. let's not go harsh on him. Atleast greet him with open arms." I said.

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