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Maki Kuzuryu's P.O.V

I locked my dorm and decided to walk to the common room. I was kinda worried about Kaito. What if he doesn't loves me anymore and he's out there hanging out with other girls.. who are better than me? Ugh, I don't know.. it could be that.

"Maki!" A female voice appeared.

I turned around and saw an unfamiliar girl running up towards me, "Y-You were calling for me?"

"Yeah! I heard you and Kokichi participated in the Danganronpa V3 project! How was your experience? Oh, do tell me everything! I am your best friend after all. It's too bad you are now in a different class." She held my arm.

I was scared. What is she talking about? What does she means by 'best friend'!? I shook my arm and backed off.

"Who are you?" I asked and glared at her. Her eyes widened and then she frowned.

"M-Maki? I'm your best friend!" She replied.

"I don't remember y-" Noises started ringing in my head, "Agh!" I grabbed my head and fell down onto my knees, "W-Who a-are you!?"


"Hello there!" A girl sat down next to me and Kokichi.

"H-Hi?" Kokichi waved then immediately grabbed my arm.

"Don't be scared! I'm friendly! I promise. My name's Sesuko! I hope we can be friends." She lifted her hand to Kokichi, smiling sweetly.

"I-I.." He looked up at me.

"This boy's name is Kokichi Naegi. My name's Maki Kuzuryu." I replied for him and smiled.

"Nice names!" She complimented.

"Thank you." I said, bowing my head.

Then, there was another girl coming and sat down next to Sesuko, "Here you go, just as you requested."

"Wow! Grape Panta! My favourite!" Sesuko exclaimed, "You brought more too! Thank you so much, Miako!"

"I-It's not problem." The other girl replied as she covered her mouth. I can see her blushing, it's kinda cute honestly. Sesuko looked at us and hummed.

"This is my friend! Miako!" She introduced her friend.

"H-Hey! Who said you could tell them my name?"

"Oops, yeah sorry."

"W-Well I'm Maki Kuzuryu! This is Kokichi Naegi!" I said, handing out a hand to Miako. She looked pretty surprise of my actions but she shake hands with me anyways. After that, she shake hands with Kokichi.

Ever since that awkward day, we started hanging out more and Kokichi eventually started showing his true colours to Miako and Sesuko.


"Sesuko!?" I shouted out her name. The girl looked surprised then she nodded aggressively.

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