Out To The Mall

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Hi ladies, gentlemen and non-binary pals. How ya'll doing today?

Shuichi Naegi's P.O.V

"Yo, sidekick. Do you know what's the best Christmas present for Maki?" Kaito asked as we all walked down the shopping mall. Rantaro eventually came and he was wearing a green T-Shirt, a white hoodie, blue jeans and white sneakers.

"I don't know." I replied, rubbing my neck.

"Shumai doesn't know, KaiTOE! You should think that yourself, isn't Maki YOUR girlfriend!" Kokichi smirked, hopping into our conversation.

"Shut up! Don't you have a Christmas present you need to think about too? For Himiko?" Kaito asked.

"Well, of course but I already know what's the best present for my magic princess!" Kokichi exclaimed. I'm pretty sure he's already drowning into his imagination about Christmas presents for Himiko.

"While you guys have girlfriends, we don't have one at all and why bother inviting us?" Ryoma sighed.

"We thought you guys have a crush." Kokichi scoffed, "I already know who Rantaro likes."

"Really? Who is it?" I asked.

"Isn't it obvious he's mad in love with Tenko?"

"Hey! That's not true." Rantaro chuckled, ticking Kokichi's head lightly, "I only see Tenko as a friend. I came to get decorations for the Christmas Party."

"...annndddd to buy a Christmas Present for Tenko!" Kokichi tried to continue his sentences.

"Is it true that you have a crush on Tenko?" Kiyo asked.

"N-No! I only liked her as a friend."

"He stuttered." Ryoma pointed out.


"Rantaro, you know we know your lying if you stutter." I chuckled.

"I-I- g- fine.. no point of lying now." Rantaro sighed, "Yeah, I like Tenko and I'm here to buy a gift for her."

"Awh, that's adorable." I smiled.

"Gonta thinks that Gonta should buy a Christmas present for Tsumugi." Gonta said as he readjusted his glasses.

"Oh, do you like Tsumugi, Gonta?" Kokichi asked as he folded his two arms behind his head.


"Don't ruin the innocent guy." Ryoma said.

"Don't ruin him." Kiyo said as he joined Ryoma.

"Don't ruin the heck out of him." Kaito said as he punched Kokichi's head."

"OWWWW!!!" Kokichi said, "WAHHHH! KAITO IS BULLYING ME, SHUMAI!!" Kokichi whined as he gripped onto my sleeve.

"Uh." I chuckled

"Why don't we go over to that shop first?" Kiibo asked as he pointed to a shop.

"Sure." I nodded. We walked over to the shop and we split into groups. I was grouping with Kaito and Korekiyo. We went over to an isle to check over if there's anything good.

"Hey, this present looks good for Maki Roll!" Kaito said as he held up a red sweater with white lines, "Or maybe this cute snow globe."

"I think their both nice, Kaito. Maybe you should buy both of them. Plus, Kiibo said this is a thrift shop after all so everything here should be cheap. Even some stuff here are handmade which is incredible." I replied, holding up a red dress with white buttons on the top with white puffs on the sleeves and skirt, "Kaede will look very beautiful in this dress.."

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