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Korekiyo's P.O.V

     After the chat Ryoma, Shuichi and I had yesterday, things have changed between us. So we're now friends who need eachother whenever we're having a bad day. Today is our first day to be in class. I just hope this goes well.

   I walked out from my dorm with my bag then walked over to our class. I opened up the door to see half of my classmates inside. I took a seat which is near the window. I placed the bag under my desk then started checking my phone, waiting for the teacher to come.

"Hey Kiki! What'cha scrolling there? Gasp! Are you looking at hot girls!? Pervert!" The boy who sat next to me was Kokichi. He was sitting on his desk, with a big smile on his face, "Neehehee! Did I get it right!?"

"No Kokichi, I was just scrolling down my notes."

"Notes? What are those notes!?"

"'s not your business, Kokichi."

"Pleaseee tell me, Kiki-chaaan!!" Can this boy get even more annoying? That stupid nickname he gave me is truly horrible.

"Kokichi." A female voice appeared then I looked up to see Kirumi, facing at Kokichi with a stern face on.

"Hi mom!" Kokichi replied as he went over to Kirumi and hugged her.

"Please stop calling me mom. We're the same age."

"Then stop acting like a mother, mom!" Kokichi scolded then his ear got pulled by Kirumi, "Ow, ow, owwww!!" Kokichi cried, "Okay, okay, I'm s-sorry m-"

"What are you suppose to call me now?"

"I-I mean Kirumi!"

"Good." She sighed then turned to face me, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I replied. Kokichi already disappeared surprisingly.

"You don't look fine, mind talking about it?" She took a seat then sat down in front of me.

"I said, I'm fine. How many times I'm gonna repeat that?" I scolded, losing my patience.

"This is not like you, Korekiyo."

"Just leave me alone Kirumi. I just need some alone time. I don't want anybody to talk to me right now." I groaned then I rested my head on the desk, not wanting to face Kirumi. I heard a chair being pushed and footsteps. I looked up and Kirumi was gone, "Finally, some alone time." I mumbled. I rested my head on my hands then faced the window. I slowly closed my eyes then fell asleep.


"Excuse me, boy. May you please wake up?" A soft female voice ran through my ears then I opened my eyes. I sat up then looked at the woman in front of me, pretty sure she is our class teacher, "Ah, now can you please tell me your name?" She asked. I nodded.

"My name is Korekiyo Tanaka."

"Ah, Korekiyo Tanaka.." She took out her notebook then wrote my name inside the book.

"Please address me as Kiyo for short."

"Oh, alright." She smiled then went back in front, "So looks like I got everybody's names. So, my name is Chisa Yukizome! I hope we will get along this year, even though it's ending." She grinned, "Now, let's start class." She turned around and started writing on the blackboard. I noticed the person who sat in front of me is Shuichi. He turned around and smiled.

"Had a good sleep?" He asked.

"Yeah. Looks like I didn't get enough sleep last night." I whispered.

"Same." I also noticed that Shuichi had a dark shade under his eyes, "I've been.. thinking last night."

"Mind sharing your problems with me after class?"

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