Meeting Parents and Bad News For Kirumi

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Miu's P.O.V

     These fucking shitheads are fucking annoying right now. Right now, Cockitchy and Kaihoe are getting a lecture from Shuichi's mom. That what they deserve for disturbing my time! We heard a door opening and Kyoko went in, "Miu Iruma, your parents have arrived." Kyoko said. I nodded and stood up. I went to Kyoko and followed her. I was kinda.. nervous. I hope they're not that bad. I walked up to a couple and they were chatting about game consoles. I went up to them and waved, "Mom.. dad." I said. They looked up to me and smiled, "Miu.." the pink haired guy sat up and hugged me. I was surprised. This moment.. I smiled and hugged back. The woman just sat there and smiled. The pink haired guy let go of me, "I'm Souda Kazuichi. This is my wife, which is your mother, Chiaki Kazuichi." My dad introduced himself, "So your Miu Kazuichi!" He said, "W-Wha.. y'know.. kinda prefer Iruma better." I said, "Neglecting your last name huh?" His face went closer to mine, "Fuck yes." I said, "Uh.." mom doesn't even bother to stand up. We suddenly started arguing but we were just joking around. I kinda like this family. Feels good to be home.

Ryoma's P.O.V

"Ryoma, your parents are here." Kyoko said. I nodded and went out the door. I followed Kyoko to the room and saw a couple, who looked pretty nervous. Kyoko gave me a slight push then I walked over to them, "I'm guessing you're my parents?" I asked. They looked at me and smiled, "Y-Yes! We actually adopted you.." The purple haired woman said as she played with her fingers. The man bended down and smiled, "Hey Ryoma. Your doing great?" The man asked, "I'm doing perfectly fine." I replied. The man chuckled and carried me up, "I'm Ryota Mitarai. This is your mother, Mikan Mitarai." The man said, "E-Eh!? W-We haven't got m-married y-yet!" The woman got flustered and buried her face in her hands, "Ah.. your right." He said, "So.. you can call me dad." He said. My eyes widened.. I've never really call anybody dad or mom besides from 'kid'.. but, I guess this is the start of something new, "Okay, dad." I replied, "Aww, he accepts me as his dad Mikan!" He turned around to mom, "R-Really? That's great!" She said, "How many times is she gonna stutter.." I whispered, "Ah.. until she gets used to having a son." He said, chuckling.

Kaito's P.O.V

    Shuichi and I were talking together with Kirumi joining in our conversation. The door opened and Kyoko popped her head out, "Kaito, your parents have arrived." Kyoko said. I stood up and went to the door. I waved at them and walked off with Kyoko. We arrived at the room and I saw my friends talking to their parents, hugging and joking around, "Here they are." Kyoko said as I saw a couple walking in front of me. The woman, with dyed hair waved, "Kaito!" She hugged me tightly, "Oh, oh I missed you!" She said. Kyoko walked back to the Lounge Room, "Hey mom." I said, "Eh? You've already accepted me as your mother?" She started crying, "Oh god." She smiled, "Mom!? Don't cry." I said, "Let her be, your actually adopted by us." The man said, "She's Ibuki Mioda. I'm Imposter." He introduced himself, "Nice to see you, son." He said as he laid his hand on my shoulder, "Nice to meet you too, dad." I said. He smiled and hugged me, "What do you mean by I got adopted by you guys?" I asked, "Well, your actual parents were Kiyotaka Ishimaru and Mondo Owada. They participated in the very first killing game and they were suppose to be alive from the pods but unfortunately the plan failed and they died." He explained, "Wha.." I was surprised, "Is this-" My face went blank, "But it's okay son, you got me and your mother now." He said, "Your right." I smiled and hugged him.

Kirumi's P.O.V

      After quite some time, the door opened and our dear friends came in, "Hm?" Shuichi was confused. Kyoko went in the room, "Okay guys, we will sent you to your parent's homes tomorrow. You might have to sleep in this Lounge Room for tonight but we have prepared sleeping bags." Kyoko said, "Wha!?" Iruma was shocked, "S-Sleep with the degenerate males in the same room!? I refuse!" Chabashira shouted, "Now, now.. we don't have private rooms so you all will have to sleep in the Lounge Room. Though it's kinda tight here so some of you have to share sleeping bags with someone." Kyoko said, "Wait mom.. what about Kirumi? She haven't met her parents yet.." Saihara stood up. I was kinda surprised too that I haven't met my parents. Are they too busy to visit me? "Oh.. uhm.." Kyoko looked worried, "Kirumi hasn't met her parents yet?" Akamatsu asked, "Yep, she was with me the whole time." Saihara replied, "Kirumi.. come here. We need to talk privately." Kyoko said. I nodded and went out from the Lounge Room. I could clearly hear whispers inside the Lounge Room, "Kirumi.. the information we got from your parents.." Kyoko looked very nervous.

"Your parents are dead."


      I was shocked. My parents are.. dead? "While you were in the killing game, there was a building caught on fire. Your parents actually own a company and the building was your father's company building. The firefighters couldn't save them in time." Kyoko explained. I was.. shocked, "No.. this can't be it. My parents must be alive somehow." I insisted. I somehow could feel tears forming in my eyes, "I.." I can't remember my parents but I could sense that they're important people to me in the past. I.. I want to meet them. I started crying, "Kirumi.." Kyoko pulled me into a hug, "I couldn't believe it.." I muttered, "It's okay Kirumi.." She whispered in my ear.

    After a while, I cleaned up myself in a bathroom and went back into the Lounge Room, "Kirumi, are you okay!?" Chabashira came and hugged me, "We kinda overheard your conversation with Kyoko.. I'm so sorry for your loss." Akamatsu said, "Mommy don't cry." Ouma came and hugged me too. I smiled and hugged them back, "It's alright, I'm fine now." I said, "It's nothing to worry about." I muttered, "Kirumi, if you ever need a shoulder to cry on, you can cry on mine." Shinguji came, comforting me. I smiled, "Thank you, Shinguji." I thanked him.

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