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This was rushed so like, tell me if there's any mistakes
Also, thank you for 300+ reads!

Kaede's P.O.V

Kyoko came back with sleeping bags as each of us took one from Kyoko. We laid the sleeping bags on the floor but before we do that, Gonta and Kirumi helped us to take out the coffee tables, "Are we just gonna sleep in these?" Miu asked, "Probably not." I guessed, "I'll go ask Kyoko." Shuichi said as he walked out from the Lounge Room, "Oop!" Miu said as she took Kiibo's hat, "Miu!" He exclaimed, "What a detailed hat for a pretty boy!" Miu said as she examined the hat, "P-Pretty boy!?" Kiibo blushed, "Is that true.. that I'm a p-pretty boy?" He asked. He looked so flustered, which is kinda funny, "Did I stutter?" Miu asked then smirked. Her smirked left Kiibo speechless, "Kiibo? Are you okay?" Kaito asks, "Nyahahaha! Looks like Kiibo is frozen!" Angie said, "Uhm.." I chuckled. The door flung open and we saw a blond haired man with white glasses, "Here are your pijamas. Follow me to the restrooms." He said, "Oh okay.." I said as I took the pijamas and handed it out to everyone, "Um, where's Shuichi?" I asked, "Do you mean Shuichi Naegi? Naegi's son?" He asked, "Yep." I nodded, "He's with Kyoko. Don't worry." He said, "You haven't introduced yourself yet, what's your name?" Maki asked. The man sighed, "I'm Byakuya Togami. A worker in the Danganronpa Team." He introduced himself, "Now, follow me." He insisted. We followed him to the restrooms, "Over there is the girls restroom and that's the boys restroom." He said, "I will be waiting out here." He said as he sat down on a couch nearby, "Alright, Togami." I said as I went in the girls restroom with the girls.

    "So.. what do you think?" Tenko asked, "Think what?" Tsumugi asked, "About today.." Tenko replied. The room went silent, "It was amazing. I get to see my parents and Shuichi and I started dating." I said, "And it turns out Im Kaede Tanaka! Korekiyo also turned out to be my brother! So he's Korekiyo Tanaka too." I said, "He's your brother!?" Tenko exclaimed, "Oh Kaede! You don't deserve a degenerate to be your brother!" Tenko said, "Yeah.. he's a degenerate alright." Tsumugi agreed, "Why are you all looking so scared? Is there something weird about Korekiyo?" I asked, "Its just that.." Tsumugi paused, "It's best not to tell you." Maki said, "Hmph, fine." I was kinda curious but these girls don't want to tell me what's so wrong about Korekiyo.

    "So like, Im now Tenko Fukawa." Tenko said, "And I'm also Shuichi and Kokichi's cousin.." She crossed her arms, "Too bad your cousins with the purple gremlin! If only I had the confidence to punch him in the face.." Tsumugi said, "Same. He's annoying. I hate him." Maki replied, "Can't believe he had the confidence to lie about being the mastermind." Himiko said, "He did that!?" I asked, "Yeah!" Maki rolled her eyes, "I want to kill him so bad.." Maki said, "And I wish he'd shut up about calling me mom.." Kirumi said as she gave out a sigh, "But you really are a mom to us!" Tenko said, "Not you guys too.." She said in a tired tone, "Heh, sorry mom." Tsumugi said.

    "My parents were fine. It turns out I'm Himiko Koizumi." Himiko said, "Aw, that's a cute name!" Tenko said, "Atua adores Himiko's new last name!" Angie said, "Thank you Atua." Himiko smiled, "Atua says your welcome!" Angie replied for Atua, "Is Atua even fucking real?" Miu asked, "Yes he is!" Himiko exclaimed, "Hmph, I don't believe it." Miu said, "Whatever! Believe whatever you want to believe!" Himiko said, "It's not my problem if you don't believe in Atua." She said in a sassy tone, "Sheesh Himiko! Since when did you get so sassy?" I chuckled, "Himiko is so different now!" Tenko eyes sparkled, "Tenko is so proud of Himiko!" Tenko said as she patted Himiko's head, "Thank you, Tenko." Himiko smiled.

     "My parents.. are great. I really like them." Maki said, "And now, I'm Maki Kuzuryuu." Maki introduced her new self, "You sounded so happy, Maki!" Tenko said, "I-I do?" Maki blushed, "Aw, Maki. Look how much you have improved!" I said, "I'm glad." I finished my words. She looked surprised and smiled, "Glad to know that.." She smiled, "Your smile is adorable Maki! You should smile often!" Tsumugi said, "Erk-" Maki started playing with her hair, "T-Thank you.." Her cheeks were puffed. I.. really like this side of Maki. She's adorable!

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