The Hotel Rooms

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Yeah, that's my tier list up there. Don't mind it

Maki's P.O.V

Himiko, Shuichi and I was following Miss.Kubusyu. We went to a elevator and Miss.Kubusyu pressed a button. The elevator was silent until, "I wonder how is our rooms are gonna be like." Shuichi said, "I bet it will make me feel like I'm a popular celebrity." Himiko said with proud, "I'm kinda curious. How did they knew that we were dragged in the virtual world?" I asked. The elevator went silent, 'Erk! I think I made the conversation dead..' I thought, "Honestly, I don't know. Lets tell Makoto when he visits us." Shuichi said, 'DING!" The elevator went. The door opened and we walked out. We followed Miss.Kubusyu down the hallway and she stopped, "Here are the three rooms. The rooms are also connected to each other. If there's anything, don't hesitate to call." Miss.Kubusyu handed a small piece of paper, "Goodbye." Miss.Kubusyu bowed and left, "Nyeh?" Himiko looked surprised, "Whats wrong, Himiko?" Shuichi asked, "I just noticed, we're in uniforms." Himiko said.

      I looked down and stared at the clothes we're wearing, "Huh, weird

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I looked down and stared at the clothes we're wearing, "Huh, weird. Why didn't we notice that.." Shuichi said, "I look very beautiful." Himiko said, "Yeah.. you sure do." Shuichi said, "Erk!" Himiko blushed, "T-Thank you." Himiko thanked, "Sigh, whatever.. Shuichi, give me a key." I said, "Oh right." Shuichi took out the three keys and handed one key to me, "Looks like I'm room 278." I said, "I'm 279, which is next to your room, Maki Roll!" Himiko said, "Don't call me that.." I said, glaring at Himiko, "Er! I thought we're close.." Himiko said, "Sigh, I suppose we are. But just don't call me that nickname." I said, "Oh so that nickname is only allowed for Kaito? Hey, hey, Maki your blushing!" Himiko pointed out, "Shut up!" I said as Shuichi giggled.

I unlocked the door and went inside, "Wow." I whispered to myself. I closed the door behind me and took off my shoes. I explored the room and the balcony, "This hotel is very luxurious, alright.." I said, "Nyeh, Maki!" I heard Himiko voice. I looked at my right on the balcony and Himiko was waving, "Hii Makii!" Himiko waved. I chuckled and waved back, "Oh hey." Shuichi waved from his balcony, "Hi Shuichi!" Himiko waved, "Do you guys mind unlocking the door? The suitcases arrived." Shuichi asked, "Ah sure." I said as I went back inside. I unlocked the door and opened it. There comes Himiko coming into my room, "Wow! It looks that same as my room." Himiko said. Shuichi came in with a brown suitcase, "This is your suitcase." Shuichi said, "Thanks." I grabbed the suitcase handle, "No problem." Shuichi smiled. Shuichi and Himiko went back to their rooms after then. I opened the suitcase, with curiosity on what's in there. I found many pairs of clothes and a swimming suit. There's also makeup, books, and undergarments followed by bras. There's also a red phone inside. I opened the phone and it told me to sign up. There was a sticky note under the phone, 'Hello! Makoto here. I bought you this phone to keep in touch with the technology. There is some notes somewhere in the suitcase with info of the phone.' The note says. I started taking out everything to find the notes and eventually found sheets of papers. I took the papers and read one by one. I signed in the phone, following the instructions. I was pretty curious and excited since I never really use phones much.

The Next Day..

       I was brushing my hair and Himiko was in my room, reading my books. I was wearing the clothes that Makoto bought and they were comfortable. I wore a black leather jacket with a purple shirt. I also wore a black skirt and black socks. I used a purple hairband and tied my hair into two pigtails. Himiko stared at me blankly, "Have you ever consider changing your hair style?" Himiko said, "Hm, no. Neither do you, your hair is always in that style." I said, "Nyeh, I guess that's true." Himiko said as she softly chuckled. Himiko was wearing a red dress with a brown belt around her waist. She also had a black bracelet around her wrist, "Are you guys ready to go down for breakfast?" Shuichi asked, "Nyeh, not yet! We still haven't wore our makeup, ladies need time y'know? Be a gentlemen like Gonta!" Himiko said, "Gonta.." Shuichi repeated Gonta's name, "Heh, can't believe he's coming back soon. He's a good guy." Shuichi looked at the ground then looked at Himiko, "Alright Himiko, I'll be a gentlemen." Shuichi said as he closed the door.


Himiko and I went out from the room and Shuichi was there, waiting. We three went downstairs to the dining room. Miss.Kubusyu went up to us and smiled, "You'll be getting the VIP room which is a private room for you. I will lead you to the private room now." Miss.Kubusyu said. We were all surprised, 'Makoto can really pay off this much?' I thought to myself. We followed Miss.Kubusyu to the private room. She opened a door, "This is the private room. Please take a seat, I will hand out the menu's later." Miss.Kubusyu said. We sat in the room, waiting for Miss.Kubusyu to give us the menu, "This is.." Shuichi said, "Amazing!" Himiko exclaimed, "I feel like a celebrity now!" Himiko said, "I can't believe Makoto can afford all of this." I said, "Mhm, I'm also glad.. the outside world is fine. Monokuma really scared me with those fake stories of the outside world," Shuichi said, "I feel relieved. I can finally rest." Shuichi started tearing up, "Shuichi.." I said. I was worried but left Shuichi crying because I know, he needed too. He deserves this rest, he can finally be free. He finally escaped from the tragic things that have been happening and god was kind. God gave him a gift that he deserves, friends.

     Miss.Kubusyu knocked on the door and came in with three menus on her hands. She handed the menus to us and gave us a button, "If you're finished, please press on the button." Miss.Kubusyu said. She left the room and closed the door, "She reminds me of Kirumi." Himiko said, "She sure do." Shuichi said. We started discussing our meals and ordered to Miss.Kubusyu. We chatted and laughed and Miss.Kubusyu came with our meals. We munched up the delicious food and went outside, "Do we need to pay?-" Himiko said, "You didn't remember? Makoto said that he will pay for all of the food." I said, "Oh, right." Himiko said, "Do you guys want to explore around the hotel with me?" Shuichi said, "Sure." I said, "Yes!" Himiko said, "Alright, let's go!" We explored everywhere in the hotel and we were amazed.

    This go on for many days until finally, it was that time.. they come back to life.

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