Kaito and Kokichi

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[ I'm not good on writing romance and I also haven't analysis Kokichi's personality so there might be some part where is off character for Kokichi. Also, let's forget when Makoto said that Monokuma manage to get in the game again since I have planned a better storyline. ]

Himiko's P.O.V

     I stood between Maki and Shuichi, eagerly waiting for Kaito to wake up, "Guys, Hajime said that Kaito is gonna wake up next in 30 minutes." Keebo went down the stairs, "30 minutes?" Maki looked shocked, "Eurgh.. I thought it was 5 minutes. I was too eager to see Kai-" Maki paused and covered her mouth, "Ahah, I already knew your excited to see Kaito!" I said, "You..!" Maki looked pissed then, she took a deep breath, "Nevermind." Maki muttered. The room was filled with silent. We were all eager. I went upstairs to take a biscuit then, I overheard a conversation between Kyoko and Makoto, "I have made my decision that they will go back to school and back to their normal lives." Makoto said, "How about we give them a one month break? Their parents do hope to spent and make memories with them again." Kyoko suggested, "I suppose that is a great idea." Makoto said, "Are you gonna make the decision that they will be in separated class again?" Kyoko asked, "No, I don't think so. They'd made a great class when they're together." Makoto said, "Hm, I see. Well then, they will be Class 3B." Kyoko said, "Yep, a fresh new class. Class 3B." Kyoko said, "When are you gonna reveal that Shuichi and Kokichi are our sons?" Kyoko asked, "When they all wake up. Let's put Aoi and Hagakure on duty to call all their parents." Makoto said, "Let's hope nobody heard us because we don't wanna ruin the surprise that Kokichi and Shuichi are our sons." Makoto said. I was surprised, 'Kokichi and Shuichi are.. brothers!?' I thought to myself. I immediately ran in the room and took a biscuit then ran downstairs. I tugged Maki's sleeve and Maki looked down on me with a confuse look on her face. We walked upstairs and we stood there, "Whats wrong, Himiko?" Maki asked, "I just found out Kokichi and Shuichi are Kyoko and Makoto's sons." I whispered, "Huh!?" Maki was shocked, "He's brothers with that scumbag!?" Maki repeated, "Should we tell Shuichi?" Maki asked, "No, because Makoto and Kyoko wanted to keep it a surprise." I said, "Why would they?" Maki asked, "Because they are Shuichi and Kokichi's parents." Maki face looked blank, "Their parents are the Future Foundation members.."Maki muttered, "GUYS!" Shuichi opened the door with a bright smile on his face, "Kaito is awake!" Shuichi said. Maki gasped and immediately ran out the door, "She's so excited." I said and chuckled.

Shuichi and I went downstairs and saw Maki waiting at Kaito's pod. Kaito's eyes slowly opened and Maki immdiately opened the cover, "Kaito!" She said. She started crying and Kaito opened his eyes and looked at Maki, "Maki Roll.." Kaito smiled and Maki grinned but covered her grin with her hand. Kaito sat up and rubbed at the back at the head, "It's nice to see you again, Maki Roll." Kaito said. Maki nodded slowly, still crying. Kaito opened his arms wide, "Come, give me a hug." Kaito said. Maki immediately hugged him, sniffing and sobbing. Kaito also started crying, "I never thought I'd see your cute face again." Kaito whispered in Maki's ear and peck a kiss on Maki's cheek, "I thought the same.." Maki said as she sniffed again. They let go of each other and Maki helped Kaito to stand up. Kaito started walking and the first person he sees is Shuichi. He walked to Shuichi and gave a pat on his back, "Heya sidekick! How's it going bro?" Kaito asked, "Its going fine. We found out who's the mastermind." Shuichi said, "Oh really? Who?" Kaito asked, "Tsumugi Shirogane." Shuichi and Kaito looked at Tsumugi. She was in the corner, eating some biscuits. She looked at them and started crying a bit. Tsumugi put her bag of biscuits on the floor and ran to Kaito, "Kaito, I'm sorry!" Tsumugi cried and hugged him, "Woah there.. Tsumugi." Kaito said as he chuckled. Maki pushed Tsumugi and defended Kaito, "Back off.." She glared at Tsumugi. Tsumugi looked terrified and laughed, "I.." Tsumugi paused, "You wouldn't have to suffer so much if I hadn't hide my identity as the mastermind." Tsumugi said, "I'm.. terribly sorry." She wiped her tears. I felt.. kinda bad. Though, she have done very bad things in the game. I want to forgive her.

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