Korekiyo, Tenko and Angie

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[ Took me so long to realise that Korekiyo In-Game is wearing a mask in that picture ]

Shuichi's P.O.V

We heard footsteps as we turned our heads to the person, Maki, coming down the stairs, "Hey Maki." I said, "Hey." She replied. We looked down to Himiko, she was frowning, "Are you frowning because that Korekiyo is gonna wake up?" Maki asked, "Yes.. and I'm... gonna hit him with all my might!" Himiko said, "Woah there Himiko! Don't do that.. no violence." I said, "Hrnghhh!" She was pissed. We heard knock, "That must be Korekiyo." Maki said. She went to his pod and opened up the cover. Korekiyo sat up and looked around, "Um.." He looked confused. When he turned his head to Himiko, he froze. I went up to him and gave him a hand to stand up. He walked over to Himiko slowly. It was quiet. He and Himiko stared at eachother. Maki and I looked at eachother with confusion. Suddenly, Korekiyo bended down, "I'm terribly sorry for killing your two friends. I deserve any punishment as you desire." He looked at Himiko, "Please, hit me." Korekiyo said. Himiko looked surprised but didn't held back. She started punching his face then gave him another punch. She slapped his head and kicked his stomach, "FUCK YOH FOR KILLING TENKO! SHES THE PERSON WHO MADE ME FEEL HAPPY! SAME GOES FOR ANGIE! YOU DESERVE TO DIE IN HELL YOU BITCH!" Himiko shouted as she continued punching Korekiyo's face. Maki and I were shocked. I went over to Korekiyo to help him but he stopped me, "No need Shuichi. Let her bring her anger out on me." Korekiyo looked at me and nodded. I nodded back and stepped back. Himiko continued to beat up Korekiyo and throw tantrums on him, "YOUR THE WORST PERSON I-I.. HAVE EVER MET.." She started crying and fell onto Korekiyo's lap. He looked at me and pointed at Himiko. I nodded and carried Himiko out from Korekiyo's lap. She continued sobbing on my shoulder. I looked at Korekiyo and couldn't help but felt sorry for him. He has scars on his face and his stomach.. IS BLEEDING!? "Maki! Call Kyoko! Korekiyo is bleeding!" I shouted. She gasped and ran upstairs to call for Kyoko, "Damn it.." Korekiyo muttered to himself, "Hang in there, Korekiyo. Maki is calling for help." I said as I placed my hand on Korekiyo's shoulder. He nodded and then he coughed. Maki came back with Kyoko and Aoi. Aoi went to Korekiyo and gasped, "HOLY-" Aoi shouted as she paused. She carried Korekiyo and ran back with Korekiyo on her hands, "KYOKO! CALL MIKAN TSUMIKI!" Aoi shouted. Kyoko nodded and took out her phone. She called somebody then she walked upstairs. Maki, Himiko and I were left alone in the room, "Poor Korekiyo.." I said, "Did I go too hard on him?" Himiko asked, "Too hard." Maki said, "Nyeh.." Himiko said, "Have you got no heart, Himiko? He gave you a chance to beat him up until death." I asked, "No.." Himiko said.

Keebo, Kaito, Gonta and Miu came with worried faces, "What happened!? I saw Korekiyo being carried by Aoi and I also saw blood on Korekiyo's stomach!" Kaito asked, "Korekiyo gave Himiko permission to beat him up since he knew that Himiko is very mad. So Himiko beat him up until his stomach bled." Maki explained, "Jeez, even if that guy is a total creep.. I feel bad for him." Miu said, "Same." Maki nodded. My back were wet by Himiko's tears. I carried her to the Lounge Room, "Sleepy?" I asked, "Y-Yes.." Himiko stuttered. I opened the door and saw Kokichi, Tsumugi and Kyoko inside, "Hello, Shumai! What brings you here?" Kokichi asked, "I'm just gonna leave Himiko here, she's a bit tired." I said as I glanced at the sleeping Tsumugi, "Oh~ okay!" Kokichi said as he smirked. I slowly put Himiko on the couch and laid her down, "Kyoko, can you take care of her? She had a bad time." I asked, "Yes, I can." Kyoko nodded, "Thanks." I smiled, "Don't draw anything on her face, Kokichi. I'm looking at you." I said as I caught Kokichi taking out a marker, "Ughhhh! Fine!" Kokichi rolled his eyes. I chuckled then I walked out the room. I went downstairs and saw Tenko, awake, "Tenko!" I said. She looked at me and smiled. I went up to her, "Glad your back!" I said, "Y-Yeah! What's going on? How am I alive? And where is that degenerate murderer male!?" Tenko groaned, "He set up that seance just so he could killed me! I'm gonna beat him up to death!" Tenko shouted, "He's in the medical room." Maki said, "Medical room? W-What why!?" Tenko asked, "He let Himiko to take her anger out at him since he knew how much Himiko hates him for killing her both friends." Keebo explained. Tenko eyes widened, "He.. really did that? He really did let Himiko to bring out her anger at him by letting Himiko beating him up?" Tenko asked, "I.." Tenko was speechless, "Not all males are degenerates after all." She said, "Where's Himiko?" Tenko was suddenly cheerful again and asked, "She's in a Lounge Room, sleeping." I said, "Can I see her?" Tenko asked, "Yeah, let me bring you there." Miu said. Miu and Tenko went upstairs together.

     "Still bubbly as ever.." Kaito chuckled, "Mhm." I nodded, "So, Angie is gonna wake up next?" Gonta asked, "Yep. Angie is gonna wake up next." Maki said. We heard footsteps behind us and  we saw Korekiyo going down. He was patched up, "Hi.." He said. He looked a bit tired, "Korekiyo, are you alright?" I asked, "I'm perfectly fine." He coughed, "You don't look fine, man!" Kaito said as he patted Korekiyo's back, "It's okay. I'm fine, really." Korekiyo said. We frowned, "Just sit down at the stairs, just in case." I said. He nodded and sat down at the stairs. We heard a cover opened and saw Angie sitting up, "Oof!" Angie said. She looked around and smiled, "Nyahahaha! Looks like this is a bless from Atua!" Angie said as she stood up by herself, "Hello everyone! Ooh, what am I wearing?" Angie looked at her school uniform, "It looks divine!" She said, "Come to think about, what am I wearing?" Kaito said as he played with his jacket, "Gonta also curious!" Gonta said, "We will explain why you all are wearing those clothes after everybody wakes up." Maki said, "Ooh, okay." Angie nodded. She walked over to Maki and shake hands with her, "Glad your back, Angie." Maki said. Angie nodded in response. She walked over to Keebo and gasped, "Keebo! Your a human!" Angie pointed out, "Yeah, I'm a human." Keebo smiled awkwardly. She then walked over to Gonta, "Gonta misses Angie!" Gonta said, "Angie misses Gonta too!" Angie hugged Gonta. She then walked over to Kaito, "Kaito! How's your relationship with Maki?" Angie asked, "We're doing fine. In fact, we're now dating." Kaito said, "How divine!" Angie said. She went up to me and smiled, "I hope your doing great Shuichi! Atua is very proud of your actions lately!" Angie said, "Thanks, Angie and Atua." I smiled as I chuckled a bit. She glanced at Korekiyo. She kept a smiling face somehow and went up to him. He stood up and looked at Angie. I went up to them, "Angie, I terribly sorry for killing you. Please let your anger out at me as you desire." Korekiyo said, "I would accept that offer, but I think Atua will be mad at me if I slapped you." Angie said, "Please, just slap me whatever you want. I regret everything in life." Korekiyo said. Angie looked concern then hugged Korekiyo, "It's okay." Angie said. She let go of Korekiyo and smiled, "It's good now! Atleast everything was fake!" Angie said, "Come Angie, let me lead you to the Lounge room." I said. She nodded and followed me to the Lounge Room.

     I opened the Lounge Room and Angie immediately walked in. She saw Tenko and Himiko then smiled, "Tenko! Himiko!" Angie said. Himiko was awake and she smiled. She went up to Angie and hugged her immediately, "Angie!" Himiko said. Tenko went up to Angie slowly. Her face was a blushing mess! "H-Hey.. Angie." Tenko said, smiling, "Hi, Tenko." Angie said. They stared at eachother for a little bit, "I.. hope your doing fine." Angie said. Tenko immediately hugged Angie, "I missed you." Tenko said, "I missed you too." Angie said. Himiko let go of Angie and smiled. Tsumugi stood up and smiled, "Welcome back, Angie." Tsumugi said. Tenko let go of Angie and Angie went to Tsumugi and hugged her, "Thank you, Tsumugi!" Angie thanked. Korekiyo went in the Lounge Room then he saw Tenko. Tenko and Korekiyo stared at eachother for a while, "You.." Tenko was speechless. Korekiyo looked down, "I'm terribly sorry for killing you, Tenko. Take out your-" Korekiyo was cut off by Tenko, "Agh! I know what you gonna say but I won't hit you." Tenko said. Korekiyo looked confused, "Because, you let Himiko beat you up." Tenko said, "And I forgive you! But I will still see you as a degenerate male!" Tenko said. Korekiyo was speechless. I can tell he is smiling behind that mask, "I'm glad." Korekiyo said. They sat down on the couch and started having a snack together. I smiled then left the room, "Now.. I'm guessing Kirumi Tojo is gonna wake up next." I said as I walked downstairs.

Hoya! I hoped you like this story so far, I literally have no life so I kept writing chapters lmao. So yeah, over here, school is closed until next year and I'm crying so much rn like sodhjsjehxkdh- so yeah, writing is something that comforts me 👌 So yeah, see you in the next chapter!

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