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Sorry for the late update. Many things have happened lately and my school shut down due to the pandemic and the teachers have been overflowing me with homework. I will try to keep up with the book so yeah.

Himiko's P.O.V

     I ran out my room in tears, 'Why can't she just tell me why she hates men!?' I thought to myself. I ran inside the girls restroom and sat down inside a stall, "Himiko?" Angie's voice appeared as I heard the door opening, "Himiko? Himiikoo! It's Angie.." She called out, in high hopes of me coming out the restroom stall, "Himiko, we can sit and talk if you want.." She insisted, "Himiko.." Her voice was sounding even more nervous and deeper. She opened every stall and checked inside I think. I was curling up on a toilet, feeling very scared. I heard the door opened and I looked at Angie, in front of me with a worried expression on her face, "Himiko!" She said then hugged me tightly, "Angie.." I hold onto her blouse tight, "Kokichi's waiting outside for you! He's very worried." Angie said with a smile on her face. I looked up to her and smiled, "Okay." I nodded. We went out from the restroom and I saw Kokichi, squatting next to the door. He turned over to me and his face widened, "Himiko-chan!" Kokichi exclaimed then hugged me tightly, "I'm so so worried for you!" He whined and started rocking me, "Y-Yeah.." I smiled then hugged him back, forgetting that Angie was behind me, watching.

I kinda enjoy Kokichi's company for a while now. Though he may seem a very annoying person, his actually kind hearted inside.. atleast that's what I think he is, "Look at me, Himiko." He murmured. I looked up at him. His purple eyes were staring at me. His pink lips was curved in a cute smile. He's.. really cute. He leaned over to me and kissed my forehead. I was surprised, but.. I kinda like it. I rested my head on Kokichi's chest and he rested his head on my shoulder. This warm fuzzy feeling.. is it love? "Himiko, do you like me?" He whispered in my ear which made me jumped. How do I respond to this question? I don't know if I like him or not.. "Or do you looooovvveeeee me?" He asked.

Maybe I like him

Or maybe I love him?

Nyeh! This is too hard!

I was flustered. 'What do I say? What do I do?' I asked myself, "Neeheehe! Himiko your blushing!" Kokichi pointed out, "I-I am!?" I stammered, "Yes you are!" Kokichi smirked at me, "Do you like me or do you looooooveeee me?" He asked me the same question again. I was for sure he is just trying to play with me. But, why does that question seemed so.. vital to him? Well I think it is for him. I smiled, "Maybe I do love you." I blurted out my answer without thinking. I realised what I just said then I backed him away, "Wait! I'm sorry I didn't meant to say-" I was flustered but Kokichi placed his finger on my lips, "Shhh.. sh.." He smiled, "I love you too, Himiko." He said then pulled me into a kiss. I froze. But this time, I enjoyed it. My eyes fluttered shut then I wrapped my arms around his neck. So this is what you called love..

Angie's P.O.V

I watched them, having their moment. I'm surprised Himiko has forgotten that I'm here! Nyahahaha! What a happy moment! Atua is very proud of them, that's what Atua said. I heard footsteps coming then I turned around and saw Tenko, running up to me. She stopped in front of me and panted, "Where's Himi-" She paused as she turned around and saw Himiko and Kokichi having their moment, "Tenko? Are you alright?" I asked. She looked down with an angry look on her face. Her hands were shaking like crazy which kinda make me very concerned if she's okay or not, "Tenko, are you alright?" I asked, "I'm fine." She gritted her teeth and storm back into the Lounge Room. I took a glance at Himiko then ran back to Lounge Room to see whether Tenko's okay or not.

     I opened the door and saw Tenko in the corner, crying with Kirumi and Kaede next to her, comforting her. The others were just quiet and watched Tenko cries. I went up to her and laid my hand on her head, "Tenko, what's wrong?" I asked, "We're friends.. right? You can tell me your feelings to me and Atua." I said, "Like as if your stupid god can help." She muttered and rubbed her eyes, "Tenko, just atleast tell me what happened?" Kaede asked, "I'm sure we can figure it out and fix things."

   Tenko shook her head, "You don't understand.. I just.. never felt so betrayed before." She said, "I just never felt so backstabbed after what I have done for.."


"Yes, Himiko."

"What about her?"

"Well, as you can tell.. she found somebody waaayyy more better than me. A-And.. I-I- I t-thought that she l-liked me! But.. I guess that fantasy is ruined."

"Tenko, it's okay to like someone.. even if that someone doesn't likes you back. There's always someone new you would fall for." Kaede pulled Tenko close to her, "It's alright. It's okay." She whispered in her ear. Tenko nodded and hugged Kaede back, "Thanks Kaede." She muttered.

We heard the door opened and saw Himiko and Kokichi coming in. She looked at us then walked up to Tenko, "Tenko?" She said. Tenko looked up to her, "Himiko?" She said. They stared at eachother for a while then they hugged, "A-Are we g-good?" Himiko started stammering then tears fell down on her cheeks, "We g-good." Tenko stroked Himiko's back. I smiled then joined in their hug, "Nyahahaha! It's good to see you two made up and got together!" I exclaimed, "Yeah." Tenko muttered.

Third Person's P.O.V

     "Awh look at those three! Having such a cute moment together!" Tsumugi exclaimed, feeling very delighted. Kirumi and Kaede went back to their seats, "Kokichi!" Maki went up to Kokichi and grabbed his arm, "Yes, Miss.Killer?" Kokichi asked, "Where did you go?" Maki asked, "Why do you care?" I asked, "Just answer my question you lying little abortion." Maki hissed, "I thought her that." Miu whispered to Kiibo, "Uh, yeah." Kiibo chuckled, "I only went out to check on Himiko!" Kokichi said, "I-I wanna ma-make her she's o-okay." Kokichi stuttered, "Whats with all this stuttering? Trying to play my mind!?" Maki asked, "It seems that his old self is coming back to him." Tsumugi said, "He's always introverted and usually stutters,"


"Same for you Maki! You never actually cared for Kokichi. But your past self, you always cared for Kokichi and protect him!"

"I- I used to protect this stupid gremlin!?"

"Yeah! You bond like siblings!"

"Ooh! Maki used to protect me all the time!~" Kokichi grinned, "You..!" Maki gritted her teeth, "I'll get you!" She started tackling  Kokichi, "AHH! HELP ME!" Kokichi shouted. Everybody started laughing, "AGH AH! MISS.KILLER IS GONNA KILL ME!" Kokichi said as he escaped from Maki and started running around the room, "I prefer if you don't call me that!" Maki exclaimed then grabbed Kokichi's wrist then slammed him on the floor, "OW!" He screamed, "That's a way to shut him up!" Maki hissed then looked away, "Maki Roll, that's not nice." Kaito came and helped Kokichi up, "Why are you helping him?" She asked, "Let's just give Kokichi a chance. After all, we all are now united back together. No more killing games." Kaito looked around with a smile, "So, let's stop fighting and let's get along." Maki went red then started playing with her long pigtails, "I-I guess so." She muttered, "Ooh! Tsundere Maki!" Kokichi eyes sparkled, "Maki's a Tsundere!!!" Kokichi exclaimed, "Hey!" Maki said with a smirk on her face then started tickling Kokichi, "HEY! Y-YOU A- AHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Kokichi laughed then started swinging his legs, "Get em Maki Roll!" Kaito exclaimed, "WHAHAAHAHAHA! S-STOP! MOM HELPPPP!" Kokichi shouted, calling out for a Kirumi to help him, "I'd rather not.." Kirumi said, chuckling, "WAAAAA MOM SO ME- AHAHAHAAHA!" Kokichi continued laughing.

    After a while, everybody was minding their own business, some were asleep. Kaede was in the sleeping bag, hugging Shuichi that is next to her, sleeping too. Maki and Kaito were reading a book together under a blanket. Kirumi was bonding with Korekiyo, Gonta and Rantaro. Himiko was asleep in her sleeping bag and Tenko was fangirling on how cute Himiko looked when she's asleep. Angie was talking about Atua to Tsumugi. Ryoma was sleeping too. Kokichi can't stop teasing and calling Miu stupid nicknames. Kiibo was defending Miu and kept scolding Kokichi.

    The door suddenly opened and it was Makoto, "Excuse me. I want to say that you all should sleep now since you all are gonna be sent to your parents tomorrow." Makoto said, "Have a goodnight." He closed the door. Everybody stopped what they were doing and slipped their bodies in the sleeping bags while Kirumi closed the lights. After then, everybody was fast asleep.

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