Connection and Trust

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-This book is gonna be focused on Kaede and Kiyo's sibling relationship

Kaede's P.O.V

      We were in the car, listening to the music that is playing in the radio. I.. kinda tried talking to Kiyo, which he is next to me. Every time I tried to start a conversation with him, all I get is 'mhm.', 'okay', 'yeah'. Can this guy get even more boring? He's also have been acting quite odd lately when he found out I was his sister. I suppose I was kinda shocked to find out I'm siblings with this masked guy..Hm.. I always wonder why doesn't he show his face?

"Kiyo. Look at me." I said sternly. He sighed then took a glance at me, "No a glance! Just look at me, Kiyo!" I insisted.

"What do you want, Kaede?"

"Why are you avoiding me? Is there something wrong with me? You did kinda compliment me in the game."

"Kaede, you don't need to know."

"Just tell me, Kiyo! I'm your sister now! And I demand you to tell me why are you avoiding me." I crossed my arms. He just stared at me with his bright yellow eyes.

"I said, you don't need to know."

"I need to! I am your sister!"

"Your excuse is unreasonable." He rolled his eyes.

"Why are you being so cocky all of the sudden? This isn't like you." I paused and widened my eyes, 'Oh.. so this is his pregame personality?' I thought to myself, 'What a rude person he used to be.'

"Ugh, just tell me already you shithead." I blurted out. My eyes widened and I realised what I just said.

"Huh, this is the first time I've seen you.. curse? Wait that's not-"

"I think my pregame self is slowly forming in me."

"Ah yes." He nodded. There was an awkward silence between us and our parents were, feeling awkward too.

"We're almost there." Mom said as she turned her head around to look at us.

"Good to know." Kiyo sighed. I rolled my eyes then took out my phone to text Shuichi but then the car stopped.

"We're here, kids." Dad said as he get out of the car. I opened the door and got out of the car, dragging my bag out of it too.

The house is coloured white and a grey rooftop with a white chimney on it. There is bushes surrounding the house with white flowers on them. We walked over to the house and the door was big and black with a golden doorbell next to it. The brown mat that I was standing on says 'Welcome' and there is a white table with two white chairs next to it. My mom took out a silver key and opened the door. We went inside and was amazed of how beautiful the insides are. The floor was made out of wood and it's coloured brown. There is a beautiful chandelier on the ceiling and in front of us is two white stairs and there is a small table with flowers on the middle. The room on my right is the living room and the room on my left is the small library room, "Come up, I will show you your room." Mom said as she went upstairs. Kiyo and I followed her then she opened a room. Kiyo went inside first, "This is your room, Kiyo." She said.

The walls were grey and there is a big window across the room. His bed was black but his pillows are white and his blanket is green. There is also a little black table next to it with a lamp and a electronic clock on it. Across his bed was a bunch of shelves. There were books on it, of course. The I spotted a small picture on a bookshelf. I picked up the picture and looked at it. It was, a photo of him, Kirumi, Kiibo, Shuichi, Ryoma, Kaito and Rantaro. Were they used to be friends? Then the photo next to it was him and a.. lady? She looked about 26 years old. Her hair colour was the same hair colour as Kiyo's and so does her eyes. Who is that lady? Why does she looks the same as Kiyo? I felt a smack on my hand and I accidentally dropped the picture on the floor.

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