Christmas Party

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I poured my heart and soul into this and now it has about 6000+ words in this chapter.

Kaede Tanaka's P.O.V

Two weeks has past by and the girls and I had made plans to go out to the mall to buy presents for the boys. Except for Kirumi, she plan to make her present handmade. We tried to convince her to come with us many times but she kept refusing.

We're now in a gift shop, looking for the right present. I was thinking of buying a nice leather jacket for Shuichi. Then again, I do plan to buy him a blue Christmas sweater. I thought to myself for a while and I decided to buy the sweater.

I head over to the sweater section and I took out a baby blue sweater with a beautiful pattern on it. It'll definitely look nice on him. I also thought about buying him a new watch in another shop. I found Tenko in a corner, looking at the snow globes.

"Hi, Tenko!" I approached to her and she yelped a bit. She turned around and sighed in relieve.

"Oh, it's just you. Kaede!"

"Who are you buying a present for, Tenko? I thought you hate males." I asked her.

"M-Me? W-W-Why would you assume me buying a present for degenerate males!? I'm here to buy a p-present for Himiko and Angie, duh!" Tenko replied, stammering her words. I was kinda not buying it.

"Tenko, you can tell me anything! Who are you buying a present for?" I asked her once again. She just stared at me in surprise then accepted her defeat.

"I-I'm buying a present for Rantaro. But I'm not lying when I said I'm buying a present for Himiko and Angie." She replied, hugging herself feeling embarrassed. I was surprised. So she have a crush on Rantaro? Hehe, how cute. Well, is kinda obvious since she have been treating men a bit nicely throughout the weeks.

"Oh then good luck! I'm going to find a present for Maki and Kaito." I waved at her then walked off. I wasn't sure of what to buy Maki with but I think a nice cute plushy would be nice. I found an isle of plushies and it was very cute.

I took a white bunny plushy and looked at it for a while. I smiled, "I think this would be nice, for Maki.." I mumbled to myself. Now, time to find a present for Kaito.

I plan to get him something space related. I found a flashlight at an isle and I look out the flashlight from the box to give it a test. The box says that if your turn on the light, a space pattern will come out. I was kinda curious. Luckily, the flashlight has batteries in it. I turned it on and a space pattern came out. I was amazed. Kaito will definitely love this.

At that point, I was done. I head over to the counter and I found Tsumugi in the line. I stood behind Tsumugi in the line then I tapped her shoulder. Her shoulders went up and she turned around, "Oh, hi Kaede!" She waved at me then readjusted her glasses. She was holding a tie with a bug pattern on it and a teal headphone.

"Who are you gonna give those to?" I asked.

"Oh, this tie is for Gonta and this headphone is for Kiibo! Miu was here but she rushed to go to the toilet so I'm holding this headphone for her." She explained. I nodded in response, "Who are you gonna give those to?" She asked me the same question I asked her.

"This sweater is for Shuichi, plushy is for Maki and this flashlight is for Kaito." I explained.

"A flashlight for Kaito? Would that make a great present?" She asked as she started tapping her feet.

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