Hang Out

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Korekiyo's P.O.V

I knocked on Shuichi's door then the door flung opened, "Ah, Kiyo! Come in." He grinned then moved aside. I walked inside and noticed that there were many papers around the floor. I was, concerned on what he was doing last night. I sat down on his chair and he sat down on his bed.

"Do you mind telling me, what were you doing last night? Well, I'm not sure how I could help you but.. I'll try." I said directly. He widened his eyes then nodded.

"I.. kept thinking about a gift for Kaede and the Christmas party."

"Shuichi, you do know that there's plenty of time. You can think about that later."

"I know but, Kaede is precious to me." He started hugging himself, "Ever since that execution, I could stop thinking about her. It felt so lonely without her. The pain in my heart keeps coming back. But when I found out everything was fictional all along, I was happy. I'm so happy.. to see my beautiful Kaede."

"....Shuichi, I know your Kaede is very precious to you. But you don't need to take this so seriously." I sat down next to Shuichi then stroked his back, "Don't do this, Shuichi. Stop pushing yourself for everyone. Kaede doesn't like to see you pushing yourself, right?"

"Your right but then again.." He paused.

"Take a break Shuichi. You haven't take any breaks ever since. We will take over and plan out the Christmas Party. Maybe Rantaro could give you some ideas about the gift. He is a ladies man after all."

"..Your right, Kiyo. I should take a break. I should stop pushing myself and putting everybody happiness before mine. Thanks Kiyo." He turned his head at me and smiled.

"I'm glad to help, if you ever need someone to vent to, just tell me. Alright?"

"Yeah, I will call you next time." He nodded, "Are you free? Kaito, Maki, Kaede and I are going out to eat pizza, wanna come?"

"Ah no, I'm going out with Kirumi today so I should get going now." I stood up, "I thank you for the offer but I have to decline."

"It's okay, Kiyo! Have fun with Kirumi." He said as I went over to wear my shoes. I waved then walked out of his dorm without a word.

[Lets get into the Amacha and Oumeno yayy-]

Rantaro's P.O.V

I can't believe Tenko and I are holding hands. Im trying my best to keep a straight face but I couldn't help but blush. I glanced over at Tenko and she was looking at the other way. I wonder how she felt about this.

"Ah, there's the ice cream shop," Tenko pointed out. I looked over to at a pink shop.

"Alright, let's go." I pulled her hand then walk across the street. We saw Himiko, Kokichi and Angie over there, "Hey guys." I waved.

"Great, you guys are here." Himiko turned around and smiled. She was wearing a red hoodie and brown pants. She wore a pair of black shoes and a cute brown kitty bag slung over her shoulder.

"Nyahaha! Let's go inside shall we?" Angie exclaimed. She was wearing a yellow blouse with a white skirt and a pair of white shoes. Her hair was down, apart from one or two pink clips.

"Okay then." Kokichi replied. He wore a purple shirt, a checkered belt, black shorts. He also wore checkered socks and white sneakers.

While me, I was wearing a brown jacket and a dark blue shirt under it with black jeans. I also wore a pair of white sneakers.

We walked inside the ice cream shop, hearing a bell rang once we opened the door, "Welcome!" An employee exclaimed, "How many are you?"


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