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Kaede Tanaka's P.O.V

It was the next day of school. I got up my bed, took a shower, wore my uniform, slung my bag over my shoulder, walked out my dorm and locked it as usual. There's still 2 more hours before class starts but I like to go to class early because it can gives me time to study.

I paused. I looked at my left and stared at the door which have a sign over it that says, 'Music Room'. I decided to went inside and have a look. I opened the door and my eyes widened.

The floor is coloured brown and it's wooden made. There were big windows with navy blue curtains. There's shelves on the wall full with CDS. There's also a mini stage across the room. And there was a black piano in front of me.

I walked over to that piano and opened the lid. I touched the white tiles then I sat down on the piano bench. I stared at the tiles.

Memories of the Killing Game were coming back to me. I was hanged and I keep going up and down to play the big piano. I was horrified, I was angry, I was in pain. I was being played on the piano to play my favourite song, Der Flohwalzer. I'm never playing that song again. It just brings back bad memories of my execution.

I looked at my hand then I touched a piano tile. A tune came out. I smiled at it. Then, I started playing a song.

It was called, Clair De Lune.

It's my favourite song. It so soothing, that it warms my heart. It always calms me down whenever I'm in a bad mood.

I slowly closed my eyes as I kept playing the piano. It was certainly a peaceful moment. My body relaxed, enveloped with music. Suddenly, I started remember that one time I had with Shuichi in the game.


I was sitting in front of Shuichi in a classroom. His arms were resting on a table, feeling scared. I was also scared but I was confident that my murder plan would work. I slowly placed my hand on his hand, smiling at him.

"I wish there was a piano here. I would play you a song to cheer you up!" I said, confidently, "Hm, a pretty song to play for you.. Oh, like Clair De Lune by Debussy! It's a soothing song that calms your heart, like the moon reflection on water.."

"..." He just continued to stare at our hand. No words coming out from his mouth at all. I was kinda worried about him then I noticed why he's just staring. I chuckled a bit.

"You noticed, huh? Yeah.. I'm shaking, too." I said, "But.. I'd be a mess if you weren't here. I wouldn't have been able to do anything.. I would've been so lost.." I paused. My smile grew even bigger, "I'm glad you're here with me, Shuichi. With you by my side, I feel like I can stand up to anything. You give me the courage I need to take on the mastermind." I held his hand tighter, "So please.. be more confident. I believe in you, so you shoulder definitely believe in yourself!"


I smiled even brighter. I'm so happy, he got to fulfil my wish. Now he's got everybody on his side, he's even more confident now. I'm.. so happy for him. I'm so happy to see him in a new light. I'm.. even crying.

I stopped playing and began opening my eyes. I heard a clap then many claps. I looked over to the entrance and there was the whole class. My eyes widened then I immediately stood up and bowed.

"That was so beautiful, Kaede!" Tsumugi complimented, continuing to clap for me.

"T-Thank you, everyone!" I bowed again. I took out my handkerchief and wiped my tears away.

"K-K-Kaede!" A male voice shouted my name. Suddenly, there was a boy coming out from the crowd, and he was Shuichi. He slowly walked up to me and I just, stared at him. I felt a movement in my body then I walked up to him and hugged him. I rested my head on his shoulder and started crying again, "Kaede? W-Why are you crying?"

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