Kirumi and Ryoma

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Third Person's P.O.V

       Shuichi, Kaito, Maki, Keebo, and Gonta were at the room, waiting for Kirumi Tojo, "Has mom awakened yet!?" Kokichi came downstairs. He felt very eager, "Not yet. Also, stop calling Kirumi 'mom'. She did say she is uncomfortable with that." Maki said, "Hmph! She's still my mom no matter what!" Kokichi said, "Whatever.." Maki crossed her arms. Soon, the others came, Korekiyo, Angie, Tenko, Himiko, Miu and Tsumugi, "Oh I can't wait for Kirumi to wake up! She's like a mom to me!" Himiko said, "Again, do not call Kirumi-" Maki paused, "Oh, she's awake." Maki said. Shuichi went to Kirumi's pod and opened the cover. She sat up, rubbing her head. She looked around and in her sight were smiled from everyone, "Welcome back, Kirumi." Korekiyo said as he offered a hand. He helped her to stood up and she looked around, "MOM!" Kokichi shouted and hugged her, "I missed you, mommy!!" Kokichi said. She smiled and hugged him back. Kokichi let go of her as Kirumi stepped out from the pod, "May someone tell me what is going on?" Kirumi asked. She looked down on her school uniform then pat it to keep dust off, "We will explain when everybody is awake." Shuichi said, "Everybody?" Kirumi said, "Do you mean, Ryoma, Kaede and Rantaro are gonna wake up from.." Kirumi looked around her surroundings, "these pods?" Kirumi asked. Shuichi nodded. She started walking around, then she went up to Maki, "Hello Maki. How are you?" Kirumi asked, "I'm fine, but most importantly, how are you?" Maki asked, "I'm certainly fine, though, I do feel that there are scratches around my body and my hands felt like there's thorns stuck to it." Kirumi frowned, "That must be from your execution. Kyoko, a worker here, said that after they woke up from the killing game they will feel pain from how they died and and from their execution. It will soon recover after a few months." Keebo said, "Ah, I see." Kirumi said as she put her hand on her chin. She started to examine Keebo for a while and smiled, "Its seems your a human now." Kirumi said, "Oh, yes! Yeah, I'm human now." Keebo nodded. She continued to walk over to Kaito, "Hello Kaito, are you well?" Kirumi asked, "I'm perfectly fine, Kirumi! Thank you for asking!" Kaito said, "That's good to know." Kirumi said. She then walked over to Himiko and Tenko, "Kirumi! I missed you!" Tenko immediately hugged her, "I missed your cooking, I missed your cleaning, I missed you so much!" Tenko said, "I missed you too, Tenko. Besides that, how are you feeling?" Kirumi responded, "I'm feeling great! Though, the back of my neck is kinda painful from the way I died." Tenko said as she let go of Kirumi, "Ah, so you died in the killing game.. huh?" Kirumi frowned, "Yep, but it's alright!" Tenko said, "I see, well that's good to know that your feeling great." Kirumi said, "Kirumi!" Himiko hugged Kirumi, "Hello Himiko, how are you doing?" Kirumi asked as she hugged Himiko back, "I'm doing fine. I'm a bit low on mana though." Himiko said, "Hm, maybe I could make a drink for you if there's a kitchen somewhere." Kirumi said, "Oh, no need to do that Kirumi. Take a break." Angie said. Himiko let go of Kirumi, "I thank you for the offer but-" Kirumi was cut off by Tenko, "Please Kirumi! Just one break!" Tenko said, "Yeah, you always worked for us and never take any breaks." Himiko said. Kirumi let out a soft chuckled, "Hm.. alright." Kirumi said, "I suppose I will take a break for a while." she said, "FUCK YES! Now we can know more about you and maybe we can- can.. know your d-dirty side.." Miu stuttered. She started moaning, "A-Ahhh! Maybe we will know you had s-se-" Keebo grabbed Miu and covered her mouth, "Ahah, sorry Kirumi." Keebo said, "Hm.. it's okay." Kirumi said. She proceed to walk to Shuichi, "Hello Shuichi. I hope your doing well lately." Kirumi said, "I'm doing great. Thank you for asking, Kirumi." Shuichi said. She went over to Korekiyo then let out a small gasp, "Korekiyo, are you okay? Your patched up with bandages." Kirumi asked, "I'm fine, Kirumi. Thank you for asking." Korekiyo said. Kirumi nodded, wanting to ask another question, "Why are you patched up with bandages?" Kirumi asked, "Sorry for asking if it's personal." Kirumi said, "I will talk about it later." Korekiyo said.

     "Kirumi! Come up, help yourself!" Tenko said. Kirumi nodded. She waved at Korekiyo and walked with Tenko, Himiko, Angie, Tsumugi and Miu to the Lounge Room, "Your not gonna join them, Maki Roll?" Kaito asked. She started thinking about it, "Well, I guess I will join them." Maki went and walked upstairs, "Ah! Gonta didn't say hello to Kirumi yet. Gonta will go and say hello to Kirumi now!" He dashed upstairs, "Almost everybody has woken up, Shuichi. Are you excited to see your future lover soon?" Kaito said, "F-Future lover!?" Shuichi stuttered, "Yep, Kaede Akamatsu. You did say you liked her." Kaito said, "I-I don't like her." Shuichi replied, "Shuichi's lying! He lovesssssss Kaede!" Kokichi said, "Not to mention that you became so depressed and you started crying when you found out Kaede wasn't actually the culprit of the first murder case." Keebo mentioned, "She wasn't?" Kaito asked, "Yeah, her plan failed and Tsumugi is the actual culprit." Keebo explained, "Agh.. that's.." Kaito frowned, "That's.. surprising that Kaede wasn't the culprit.." Korekiyo said, "Yeah." Shuichi frowned.

"Hey guys! Ryoma is waking up!" Kokichi pointed out. Their frowns immediately turns into smiles as Shuichi went up to Ryoma's pod. He pressed a button then the pod cover opened up, "Ryoma!" Shuichi said. Ryoma sat up, looking around, "What is this? Didn't I die?" Ryoma asked, "That was the virtual world. We will explain everything once everybody has awaken." Shuichi said. Ryoma stared at Shuichi for a while, "Kirumi was caught?" Ryoma asked, "Well, yes." Shuichi nodded slowly, "Here, let me help you out of the pod." Kaito came and carried Ryoma out of the pod, "Thank you, Kaito." Ryoma thanked, "It's not problem!" Kaito replied, "How are you, Ryoma?" Keebo asked, "I'm fine thank you. Also, your now a human eh? That's surprising." Ryoma said, "Ah, yep. Thank you." Keebo said, "I'm guessing your still annoying as ever huh, Kokichi?" Ryoma turned his head to Kokichi, "Hmm.. probably~" Kokichi smirked, "He's still annoying." Ryoma muttered to himself as Keebo started laughing. Ryoma went up to Korekiyo and smiled. They shook hands, without a word being mentioned. Ryoma then turned to Shuichi, "How's life, Shuichi?" Ryoma asked, "It's great, I'm glad it's all fake." Shuichi said, "That's good to know." Ryoma nodded. He then, turned to Kaito, "Hello Kaito, anything exciting happened?" Ryoma asked, "Yep, Maki and I are now dating." Kaito smiled with pride, "That's nice." Ryoma replied. He looked around, "Where's the others?" Ryoma asked, "They're upstairs at the Lounge Room, let me take you there." Shuichi said, "Oh alright." Ryoma said.

     Shuichi and Ryoma walked to the Lounge Room then once they are at Lounge Room, Shuichi opened the door. The girls were talking, some even had slept. Gonta was there, talking to Tsumugi, "Ah, Ryoma!" Gonta said. He went up to Ryoma and hugged him, "Welcome back, Ryoma!" Gonta said, "Thank you." Ryoma said. Gonta put down Ryoma and went back to his seat, "Hello Ryoma, how are you?" Tsumugi came with a smile on her face, "I'm fine, Tsumugi. Thank you." Ryoma said, "Hey Ryoma. Thank you for ruining my magic show." Himiko came, "Uh, I did?" Ryoma said. Himiko nodded, "Don't worry Himiko! We will hold another magic show someday without Ryoma ruining with his dead body!" Tenko said, "Wait, I was in the magic show while I'm dead?" Ryoma asked, "Yeah, but it's okay Ryoma." Himiko said, "Hey shorty pirate-pants bitch! How are ya?" Miu came while Tenko and Himiko went back to their seats, "I'm fine." Ryoma said, "Miu, I think you should not greet people with you weird nicknames." Shuichi said, "Pfft whatever, pooichi." Miu said. Angie came to Ryoma and smiled, "Hello, Ryoma." Angie said, "Hi, Angie." Ryoma said. Angie suddenly hugged Ryoma, "I hope your doing well." Angie said, "Yep, I am." Ryoma nodded. They let go of eachother the Angie went back to her seat. Kirumi then, went to Ryoma, "Ryoma.. I." Kirumi paused. They stared at eachother for a while. Suddenly, tears started to form in Kirumi's eyes, "I'm terribly sorry for killing you." Kirumi sat down on her knees and she held Ryoma's hand. Ryoma smiled and patted Kirumi's head, "It's alright, Kirumi. You did what you have to do." Ryoma said. Kirumi nodded slowly. She let go of Ryoma's hand and smiled. She went back to seat, "Help yourself, Ryoma." Kyoko said. He nodded and went to grab a snack. Shuichi went back downstairs, feeling very eager, "Kaede.." He muttered to himself, smiling.

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