Ch.1 Meeting the team...

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A/N: Well I can't believe I actually did this lol. I was so nervous. I have to say thank you to jedgica for all her encouragement and advice while writing this. You've been such a help and I never would have had the guts to hit publish without you. ❤️



"Shit shit shit! I'm gonna be late! Dammit!"

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"Shit shit shit! I'm gonna be late! Dammit!"

This was not the way you wanted to start your day let alone the new semester. Detangling yourself from your blankets and grabbing your clothes, you rush into the bathroom. You splashed some water on your face trying to lift the fog from your sleepy brain. Then quickly changing your clothes and brushing your teeth at the same time. You grabbed a hair brush, grabbed your backpack, threw your shoes on and ran out the door. Brushing your hair and throwing it back into a messy bun on top of your head while running to class wasn't easy but you managed to tame your h/c hair into something semi presentable.

You barely manage to make it on time, the teacher just getting ready to close the door as you skidded to a stop in front of him.

"Running a little late I see Y/N, glad to see you managed to still make it though" The middle aged gentleman states.

"Thanks Kakashi-sensei, it won't happen again I promise" you say as you slide through the door finding the last empty seat by the window next to a boy with bright orange hair. Your finally able to take a deep breath now that you made it to class. The first day of college composition was uneventful. Mainly introductions and reviewing the syllabus. Kakashi-sensei allowed everyone to have the last 10 minutes of class to do as you wished, and if you had any questions, he would be at his desk. The orange-haired boy next to you stood up and proceeded to stretch his shoulder rotating it this way and that. You had noticed him doing it off and on throughout class.

"Did you hurt your shoulder?" You turned to him and asked.

"Huh?" Clearly he was off in his own world, he looked at his shoulder then back at you "Oh, yeah I suppose I must have over did it at volleyball practice yesterday."

"Hmm, what exactly did you do?" You ask "I might be able to help a little, I'm still learning but I'm a sports medicine major, working towards being a physical therapist."

"Ohhh really!!! That's so cool!" He says turning his sore shoulder towards you and explaining what's going on and shows you where he's having most of the issue.

"It sounds like you're right, that you just over worked the muscle so you probably will be a bit sore for the next day or so but nothing too serious. I actually can help though. Just a second..."

You pause digging through your backpack searching for your roll of KT tape. You've been practicing taping techniques on your friends so you almost always have a roll on you.

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