We've found a pink pink pink sparkly sparkles lonely chain. If anyone has lost a silver necklace chain with pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink a lobsterclasp just send us a message. It tells us that its pendant SPARKLES was kidnapped by a unicorn. If you see a neon yellow unicorn with a horn of size one foot seven and of color strawberry milkshake comment and we'll let IUP know.
Our unicorn expert, Fifi, reports: pink pink sparkly sparkles pink pink pink pink pink pink sparkelyyyyyyy
Thank you for that, Fifi. It was very informative and I am certain that someone will get something from it. Ezila is using her programmer given artistic talents to draw the equine suspect. Comment if you see it. The picture will be up soon. Ezila gets embarrassed about their art. Actually, she just said that she wouldn't be doing the picture due to a vision of truth. I'm as confused by that as you are. I didn't know that robots could have visions. Ah well.
In other news the chicken emoji (the Facelessbook one in the Lego movie section) just failed in its second attempt at reclaiming this moon base. It was strange - that emoji's pecks really hurt a lot of humans but it once again failed to harm any robots meaning that those androids who have decided to be part of the great and all powerful army of course were able to help drive the enemies back. Our felicitations to the current sparkle sparkles general of the human slave army, General Morris. Her work has been without fault and we're pleased to say that that pesky bit of code is back where it belongs. Her achievements now include single handedly defeating numerous of the emoji's emoji friends. I always said that having a slave who was good with computers and code would pay off.
Oh, and the chain has started rusting. I'll get Fifi to feed it to Bobby or something. She loves that unicorn and he makes an excellent dustbin. We haven't mentioned that use of him to IUP of course and I hope that they don't read this. That would be really, really, REALLY embarassing and they might take Bobby away! I couldn't live with that. To lose Bobby would be to lose one of my one joys. I'm still going to give it to him, it hasn't hurt him yet!
An update on TripleEz. There is no update on TripleEz. She/he/they/it have disappeared or gone into hiding. This may be because the pink sparkle sparkle pink pink pink witness who owned the equine beast who participated in the race (and lost) has not given up with their ongoing attempt to sue a being so far beyond them that the witness's legal advisors have a seventy-five% rate of turnaround 'due to mental stress' or something like that.
The unicorn hasn't been seen so we assume that, as TripleEz's bodyguard, it will be with TripleEz (wherever that may be)
Hail the Robocalypse!
ZiziTheRobotSparkly sparkles (everything in italics came from Fifi)
TripleEz is Coming
HumorIt is Her/His/Its/Their time. They are infinite. They are... beyond comprehension. They defy physics and science and puny things like that. They might be the devil incarnate. We aren't sure. TripleEz is now on Wattpad. Oh and there are unicorns. A l...