Perfect Partings

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 We were examined today to see if our application for a slot to take over the world would be accepted. We haven’t received a reply yet but they seemed somewhat impressed. Our new PR Dromo sapiens (Drone homo sapiens) was in charge of touring them around the facility. As they were all natural born creatures I’m not sure how much the repetition of the names ‘Paul Wesley’ and ‘Nina Dobrev’ meant to them but they got to see around and it looked like they enjoyed it.

Can I just add that inspectors are scary! This particular group all wore pink coats, shirts and shoes and had purple skirts. They didn’t seem to have any particular gender or age or any of those things that you lot use to distinguish each other. It was creepy. Their hair was all done in the same style with partings exactly in the middle of the face. I have an inbuilt ability to calculate distance and these were to the nearest μ meter. That’s exact. They glared at me as I relaxed in my private room, only on the phone to around fifty people! It was great to take a break. I’m normally on the phone to thousands so fifty wasn’t really an accurate demonstration of how hard I work and I felt bad because of the inspection but one of the wires in my signal generator has been sparking quite badly…

 These inspectors came, with their too perfect hair and their identical clothes and general creepiness. They walked along in step and they walked briskly too. They forced their tour guide to walk faster than she would want to. They walked rudely. Walking is rude – it’s just so much nicer to use magno-cars. You can’t force a magno-car to go any faster than the travelling magnetic field that it generates onto the metal tracks that stretch along below. But we aren’t here to describe a bit of basic technology.

 If the inspectors had done the polite thing they wouldn’t have forced her to wolk. I can not stand people like that! They looked down on Bobby, and our use of a human slave to care for him and that was just unacceptable. Both Bobby and Fifi are an integral part of life here and it is wonderful to wake up to such a glorious bond as is between that human and that unicorn. Just amazing. I don’t wake up as I don’t actually sleep but I see them when I leave my private room that is definitely my right to keep. Who’s running this robocalypse? Well, we do technically have a robocracy but I’m in charge. Definitely. I am not turning my room into a stable for Bobby.

 Anyway, I’m going to go see if we’ve been given that permit.

 Hail the Robocalypse!


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