Chapter Nine: Broken Rules

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Days turned into weeks and Bakugo started to get worried about Elvira and where she was. They left each other on a weird note and Bakugo couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. No matter how much he tried to get her to talk about it she didn't budge. Something did not feel right about her driving away like that. That day never sat well with Bakugo when he returned home. It's been a while since she even messaged him back and it was making him more worried as the days went on. If it wasn't Elvira replying to him, it was the unknown number harassing him constantly. He looked over at his phone and look over all the unanswered messages from Elvira. Ignoring the flood of unknown text messages he had been waiting to be read. He frowned to himself as he placed the phone down on his nightstand. Elvira wasn't responding to him and it's been weeks.

He groaned underneath his breath before he turned on his side on his bed. Something was up but he knew she wasn't going to answer him until she was ready. However, that did not make Bakugo feel any better about the situation. What if she decides that she couldn't continue their relationship because of what happened? He bit the inside of his cheek as he held onto his pillow. Did he screw up that badly that she couldn't be honest with him? He groaned underneath his breath, finally a day off from work and he's sitting here moping.

God damnit.

If she wasn't going to answer me then I'm just going to silence my phone.

Bakugo turned off the volume of his phone before leaving it on his nightstand. There was no point wasting the few days he had off of work to be laying in bed feeling sorry for himself. He marched over to the kitchen to look at what he had in the fridge for dinner later. He rubbed his chin as he got an idea for food and he closed the fridge door. There was a sudden knock on the door and Bakugo looked over with a squint. He walked over to the door and opened it up to see Kirishima's smiling face.

"Aye, I heard you took a couple of days off to rest. I thought I'd drop by and hang out. I did send a text earlier but I don't think you saw it." Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck with a chuckle.

"Oh, yeah. I put my phone on silent. I've been getting weird messages from an unknown number for the past few weeks. I was tired of hearing my phone go off constantly." Bakugo rolled his eyes as Kirishima walked inside.

"Weird numbers? Like what?" Kirishima asked.

Bakugo let out a sigh. "Someone has been sending me nasty text messages about Elvira. I don't want to get into too much detail but I think I know how it is."


"I think it's Tamaki." Bakugo sighed.

Kirishima let out a laugh. "Tamaki? Suneater? Why would you think that?"

"Please keep this to yourself man. I don't want Elvira to know I told you this." Bakugo groaned underneath his breath.

"I swear I won't tell a soul. You know me better than that." Kirishima chuckled.

"Remember a few weeks ago when you were teasing me about getting a nude photo on my phone?" Bakugo rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yes, I do." he tilted his head for a moment. "It was from Elvira?"

Bakugo flustered a bit. "Y-yeah, she sent me a pretty raunchy photo and I got distracted when I saw it. My phone slipped out of my hand and Tamaki saw it when he handed me back my phone. After that, he was acting all weird during that patrol. I thought it was cause he's shy and shit but I felt the rising tension."

"That's weird." Kirishima crossed his arms over his chest.

"Elvira invited me out to a nightclub later that night. I ran into Mirio and Tamaki there and it was awkward. Later on, during the nightclub, he told her that she shouldn't send anything like that and it was shameful." Bakugo rolled his eyes. "The tension between them was so thick. I think he may have had a thing with her in the past"

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