Chapter Seventeen: Switch (NSFW)

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Bakugo glared at Elvira as she moved around the kitchen with a smug smile on her face. He clenched his jaw as he slipped the apron over his body and tied it behind him. Little giggles from Elvira could be heard as he moved around to grab stuff to prepare the food. With a loud sigh, he walked over to the fridge to pull out the ingredients for dinner. He felt Elvira's eyes on him and he felt his heart racing against his chest. Why did he let Elvira convince him to wear something so stupid? He was preparing dinner in fucking lingerie and he had never felt more exposed in his life. He looked over his shoulder to see Elvira's eyes staring at him. He quickly turned around to her with a glare.

"Oi, don't just stand there staring at me,"  he growled.

"You look so good though." she pouted.

"Fucking hell, why did I put this on? You are such a pervert." he rolled his eyes as he turned back around. "And you said I can pick out what you wear later?"

"Of course." she trailed her nail over the strap of his garter belt.

He grabbed a strainer from her cupboard and put it in the sink before he put the vegetables in it. While the water was running, he felt her hand gently graze against his shoulder blade. Her lips gently kissed between his shoulder blades and it sent a shiver down his body. He let out a shaky sigh before turning his head.  

"What are you up to? You already have me in such a ridiculous outfit." he clenched his jaw as he dried off the vegetables.

"You always see me in sexy outfits. Why can't I see you in one for once?" she crossed her arms.

Is she fucking with me?

"Isn't it a bit much?" he raised an eyebrow.

Elvira smiled at him. "I don't think so at all. You know you can just cook in the nude then. I don't mind either way."

"Hard fucking pass."

Elvira giggled as she walked around Bakugo and all he could do was shake his head with a smile. Wearing lingerie wasn't in the plans for tonight but he wasn't going to complain. He wanted to see that beautiful smile on her face regardless of pride. He continued to work around the kitchen to prepare dinner, knowing Elvira was sitting back and watching him work. He would steal glances at her now and then. She was sitting on the counter across from him with her eyes glued to him.

This must be her way of getting back at me for what I did.

I did dominate her without really letting her agree.

Fuck. I did do that huh?


Her voice broke him from his thoughts and he looked at her with a grunt.

"Are you listening to me?" Elvira asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, fuck. I'm sorry I was just thinking about something. What were you saying, honey?" he rubbed the nape of his neck.

"I was asking if you knew about the Hero Gala coming up this weekend. All the Pro Hero are going to be there. I was wondering-"

That event completely slipped his mind. "I forgot about it honestly. I hate parties."

"You still went to the party and we met again." she hummed.

"Only because Kirishima made me go. I wasn't going to until he practically dragged me out of the house." Bakugo huffed with a frown.

"So are you aren't going?" she asked as she crossed her arms.

Bakugo turned around to continue prepping the food. "No, I'd rather not. It's just a bunch of extras and media in my face."

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