Chapter Sixteen: Stranger

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Bakugo looked down at his phone and the photos, Elvira set to him from the photo shoot. She looked so fucking beautiful in the photos and he couldn't help but smile. He set her photo as his background photo for his phone before slipping his phone into his pocket. She was so goddamn gorgeous and he just wanted to show her off. Every chance he got he would show off the photos of her photoshoot. There was a billboard in town with her photo but it also had Hawks in it, he didn't care too much about that one. All he wanted to do was punch that smug bastard in the jaw. Ever since that night, Hawk's words have not left his mind and to be honest it was pissing him off. He tried to wrap his mind around it because of how out of the blue it was. Those unknown messages Bakugo was getting he was completely convinced it was Tamaki. However, now with Hawks, he was completely unsure.

So far, Bakugo was just confused on the matter. The harder he tried to block it out of his mind the more it eventually pissed him off. Why couldn't people understand that they were rejected for a reason? He let out an aggravated groan before slipping off his shirt in the locker room of the gym. He managed to get a workout in before he decided to go out for the day. The past few days have been rough on his hero work and he was thankful for a day off. He planned to call Elvira after his shower and see if she would be free today. After what happened in the car a few days ago he was feeling guilty that he didn't take her on that dinner date. He was so caught up in his jealousy that he let it get the better of him. Elvira must have been so embarrassed doing what they did while being on the phone with Hawks. Bakugo knew what he did was extremely selfish and he wanted to make it up to her somehow.

He walked over to the showers of the locker room and turned on the water. His hand dipped into the water to check the temperature. Once it was to his liking he stepped in with a low sigh. His hands ran through his wet hair to push it back, relaxing his aching muscles before sighing again. After showering off the sweat from his work out he quickly made his way to the locker to get dressed. He rubbed the nape of his neck as he checked his phone after getting dressed. There were a few messages from other people about stupid shit and one from Elvira. Her message was just her checking up on him with a picture attached.

Bakugo clicked the photo and nearly dropped it on the floor. Elvira was sitting at her vanity in just a bra and panties with a smile on her face. God, this woman knows how to steal my breath away. He quickly saved the picture before clearing his throat. He shook his head with a chuckle as he gathered up the rest of his things before heading out of the locker room. He adjusted the duffle bag on his shoulder as he left the front doors and made his way to his car. He opened up the trunk of the car to throw the duffle bag inside and he saw the second one he had tucked away. He bit his lip for a moment, he had forgotten that he packed away some things for Elvira's house. She did give him the green light to leave things at his house for future stuff. He still feels nervous about it because this would be the first time he would be taking this step. He never had a relationship that went this far.

He smiled to himself as he closed the trunk. After a while of driving, he decided to park the car in front of his house. He pulled out his phone to scroll through it for a moment. Bakugo bit his lip before he dialed up Elvira's number over facetime. He watched for a few moments before he heard the call being connected and her camera came into view. She smiled at him as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Hey honey, are you free tonight?" Bakugo asked.

"Tonight? I don't have anything planned. I actually have the day off. Why do you ask?" she moved the camera so it was resting against something while she was folding clothes.

"Oh, I wanted to know if you wanted to go to dinner. We can watch a movie after if you want. We were supposed to have a dinner date that one day." he looked away with a blush. "The night of the photo shoot."

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