Chapter Fifteen: Feral (NSFW)

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The color red was all Bakugo could see as he watched Hawks walk about back into the crowd of people in the studio. His jaw was clenched right while he growled underneath his breath. Hawks could go fuck himself for all he cared but everything he said was pissing him off to the core of his being. Bakugo held onto Elvira's hand but his blood was boiling in anger. He clenched his jaw harder as he started to walk with Elvira out of the photo shoot area. He couldn't believe what Hawks said to me and he even kissed Elvira's neck during the shoot. How fucking dare he. He quickened his pace with Elvira in hand, not wanting any more unneeded attention from anyone else. He got out of the building with her and stormed off toward the car. Once they finally reached it, he waited for Elvira to reach into her purse for her car keys. He glanced over at Elvira, she was standing next to him, and gave him a cute smile.

Fuck. She's so fucking adorable.

Elvira unlocked the car so they both could get inside. Bakugo held open the driver's side door for her before she stepped inside. He walked around to get to the passenger side, his mind was completely elsewhere. Once he was inside the car he crossed his arms with a frown as he thought to himself. It was pissing him off that he couldn't concentrate on anything, only his intruding thoughts of what Hawks did and everything else. If everything was different back then I would have been all of her firsts. I would have been there for her when she needed me. She wouldn't have had to be with these people to try to get over him. He bit the inside of his cheek as he clenched his hands into fists. How could he be so fucking stupid back in UA? He bit his lip as he looked down at the ground. Shaking in pure anger as he continued to put himself down for his past mistakes, What if he stayed longer during graduation? Would Elvira have confessed to him? Would he even have taken her seriously? He thought to himself what would have gone down if things were different?

Bakugo only wanted to show all his love and affection for her. He was getting nervous with the unknown messages, Tamaki trying to confess to her, and now that bitch Hawks coming in. Why do people insist on making things more difficult than they need to be? He growled underneath his breath and looked out the window as Elvira continued to drive. He was acting so stupid but his entire body could not stop shaking in anger. He closed his eyes with a grunt, replaying the words in his head, and the more he thought about it the angrier he got.


Why am I shaking so much?

I'm so fucking angry.

"You okay? You look really mad right now," she asked as she reached to touch his cheek.

Her touch was enough to pull him out of his deep thought. They were parked in front of her house and she was already out of the driver's side. She had opened the passenger side door without him knowing and she was bent over touching his cheek. God, he must look like a prick just sitting there. He was so wrapped in his thoughts that he didn't even talk to her the whole ride back to her place. He stepped out of the car before shutting the door behind him. His hand grabbed onto hers and he kissed her palm. Bakugo looked down at her, silently but his breathing started to become heavy. Elvira looked back at him concerned and before she could open her mouth to say anything Bakugo growled. Bakugo quickly pinned Elvira down against the car and kissed her aggressively. She muffled against his lips but eventually gave in to his kiss. His hands moved around her body but his chest kept her against the car. He shoved his tongue inside of her mouth as his hands grabbed onto her hips. She swirled her tongue with his as her arms wrapped around his neck. He pulled away from their kiss with a trail of saliva following their lips.

"Katsuki..." she breathed. "What's wrong?"

"You are all mine, understand?" he growled underneath his breath. "J-Just like everything of mine is ours."

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