Chapter Twenty-Four: Again (NSFW)

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It was a miracle that Bakugo was able to find a tux at the last minute. He got a tux with an orange vest that would complement the green tie Elvira got him. Since it was the very last minute, he couldn't get any customizations on it but that was fine with him. Elvira was happy that he was even able to get one. The rest of that day, Bakugo ended up taking her to dinner and back to the apartment. He didn't want to do anything crazy, and Elvira agreed to behave. They had gone to bed peacefully that night and Bakugo kept her in his arms.

While Elvira slept, Bakugo traced the beauty marks on her face and the one on her left breast. He was being careful not to wake her, but it was comforting to him to touch her. He slipped her closer into his body and rested his chin on the nape of her neck. The smell of her shampoo hit his nose while he sighed to himself.

I love her more than she will ever know.

He wanted to hold her close, but he also needed it. With everything going down in the past few days, Bakugo was overwhelmed. He was scared for Elvira, and he didn't want to see her getting hurt. When he told her parents that she wanted to protect her, he meant it wholeheartedly. Bakugo knew her parents meant well in how they handled the truth. Even if her mother was a force to be reckoned with.

It felt peaceful as he felt her soft breathing against his body. It relaxed him slowly as his eyes felt heavy. Bakugo ended up falling asleep while he held onto Elvira's sleeping body. His body needed a peaceful night of sleep. It felt like he was running on adrenaline since that night at her house.

After a few hours of sleep, Bakugo felt the bed shift against him, and his eyes shot open. Elvira was sitting up in bed as she covered her mouth with a yawn. Bakugo lifted his hand to squeeze the meat of her hip and she jumped a little.

"Good morning, sweet-face." Elvira laughed softly.

"Morning. Come here." He mumbled.

Elvira moved close to Bakugo and rested her head on his chest. He kissed her on the top of her head before letting out a soft sigh.

"I know you don't like public events all that much but I'm happy you're coming with me," Elvira mumbled softly.

"It's worth it if I'm with you, dumbass." He let out a sigh with a smile.

"Thanks, Bakugo." She let out a laugh. "I'm sorry about my mother last night. She's a bit much sometimes."

"You think? I thought she was here to wring my neck. When she asked if you were pregnant I thought I was gonna die." Bakugo laughed. "She's scary as fuck."

Elvira sat up with a giggle. "My mom has always been like that. Very overprotective of me since I was born. Since I'm her only child and all."

"I get that. I'm the only child too." He gently rubbed her back with a smirk. "Still it was a surprise."

"She's all mean on the outside but she loves me."

Bakugo sat up in bed. "Can I ask you something?"

"Go for it."

"Have you ever wanted to be married and have a family? Before what happened?" he asked as he held her hand.

"I.." Elvira sat there for a moment, trying to collect her thoughts. "I honestly didn't. I was so busy doing my own thing that children never crossed my mind. After the incident, it terrified me."

Bakugo nodded his head. "I understand. I never thought of having kids. Maybe in the future, I want one but it's not on my top list. I do want to be married one day."

"To what lucky girl?" Elvira nudged his arm playfully.

"Shut up, dumbass." Bakugo rolled his eyes. "I'm trying to be soft and you're ruining it."

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