Now would be a good time to be anyone but me.

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Dominique's POV ~

I open my eyes and look away when the shining light meets my eyes.

I look next to me and sigh before getting up. I look at the time and head inside the bathroom to take a shower and get ready.

After about half an hour, I get out of the bathroom, with a towel wrapped around my dripping wet body, and see her sitting up my bed, waiting.

" why are you still here?" I answer annoyed

I open my bedroom door gesturing her to leave. As she was leaving, someone appears in front of her blocking her way.

"Classy." She says as the girl, clothes in hand, runs out.

" What are you doing here?" I ask as yet again another annoying person disrupts my morning

She comes inside and closes the door.

" You look sexy" she says and puts her hand inside the towel and it drops. I back away leaving the towel on the floor.

" Stop it, Adrienne. I need to get ready, it's my 1st day in that royal academy"

" I know, I'm going too" I open my closet and look for the uniform.

"Are you?" I say and start to put on the uniform

" Yes. You can't make me not go"

"Can't I?" I say as I walk over to her and bite her bottom lip

"Baby" she gives out a small whine and i back away

" Fine, just don't stick to me." She scoffs

" If you're going then why are you over here bothering me without your uniform on?"

" I thought I would give you a show plus I need a ride."

" I'm going to have to say no to that show and fine to the ride but hurry up and change." She winks at me then leaves and I finish getting ready.

Adrienne is... well she's a friend. She's friends with Michaela and i and our relationship, if you can even call it one, is one of a sex buddies and occasional best friends when Michaela isn't around. She's my 2 week relationship. I don't think I can even say we dated rather we just hung out. My other " long relationships" were basically just two night stands more than anything else. Adrienne and I broke up, and when I say "broke up" I mean we cheated on each other so we decided to keep it at just sex.

I walk out of my room and go downstairs for breakfast, as I walk the long hallways on my way to the stairs, I hear sounds so I peek inside my brother's room and of course he has a girl over. I laugh and continue going down the hallways and down the long staircase.

Adrienne was already seated at the table with part of my family. I go over and Adrienne hands me two cinnamon toasts and winks at me. I head over the overly extravagant living room to talk to Wyatt.

"Adrienne wants a ride."

" Okay, we're going on the private jet so we have space."


" yeah, Dom. A Jet. The Academy is in Etrus, Dom."

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