chapter 1- what are you doing?

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"brin! what are you doing this summer? anything good?" an acquaintance of whom i don't know the name of asks me.

"most likely lounging around. nothing too fun, summer time is to relax," i say with the realist, fake smile possible.

this school. sure, it has some great memories, like the first year i was here i met an old best friend, owen. knowing my luck, he moved to england unfortunately. of course this school has one of the highest ratings in our area so it includes real dickheads. those dickheads are fucking great, they pick on you whenever they feel you need it and best of all, they lower your self confidence. they're really good at that one. oh, and, please note the sarcasm.

i don't come from a rich family where everything seems to be perfect. i come from one where its the opposite. we're pretty poor considering we spend most of our money on my expensive therapy. we're just really broken inside, all of us. my mom, dad, and little brother, christan. my sister, lindsey, who is in jail is someone we try not to bring up. we've basically disowned her from the family and we hope we have to never see her again.

"oh, well have fun doing that! have a good summer, see you next year!" the girl walked away with her long, brown hair swaying slightly.

i was more than ready to leave the school for the summer. i was sick of the homework and everybody there. school never brought me personal enjoyment whatsoever. it just brings up bad memories that i'd rather forget.

so i walked out of that school with no care in the world. getting in my car and leaving every day was probably the best thing about school. every day from as long as i could remember, i would just stare at the windows at all of the little things. as i drive i can't do it as much, but i just look at small things and think of memories. like, how the electric box in front of the brown's house was a place for me to eat popsicles with owen. or how the lake two blocks away from the school had the memory of my first kiss. a lot of my memories are horrible, tragic and i can't stand to think about them. others just bring me so much joy that i can't even comprehend what i'm thinking at the moment.

i park my car in the little drive way of my home and walk in to find my mother stressing about bills.

"momma! i thought dad and i both told you not to look at those. i'm getting a job this summer, i'll be able to help. from this point on, stop looking and they'll have to accept late payments."

"they don't accept late payments. we'll just get our insurance canceled."

"we'll figure it out, please stop stressing. it's not healthy."


"c'mon it's time to go to therapy, we need to leave."

"we have to pay today."

"momma!" i say with glare and head out to the car with her following.

silently, we drive to the building where my doctor is located. the people inside know me from years experience. i've been going to this therapist for over 2 and a half years so they tend to let things slide about payment. soon enough, i am in the room that we meet every single time.

we talked about school and how i did so well this year. i thought different of it, but the doctor always disagrees. she says 'i'm too hard on myself' and that's something i always disagree. i have to be this hard on myself, i deserve it.

the therapy sessions usually go the same way and most of the time there is small progress. small progress is better than no progress at all so we still attend here.

"since school is over, i think you should get a job." my therapist suggests.

"i was actually planning on doing that. my parents need help with bills and i need to start saving for college."

"well, do you have one yet?"

"i was actually intending on going out this afternoon for to get some applications." i say with a smile. this is something to be proud of.

"what if i said that i have a job ready for you?"


"a summer camp. they're running a little short on counselors this year. sometimes they hire patients from here, that is if they're healthy enough and this year they came looking for some people. we choose you as a person we'd like to put out there. i almost forgot it pays very well."

"oh my gosh! yes, of course! i'll take the job right here, right now! when do i start? where is it?"

"you would start in a week or so. it's a stay away camp until the end of august up in melbourne. you would be a couple hundred miles from sydney... would that be okay?"

my eyes shook of fear as i look for my mother's approval. my mother looks distant, almost like she wasn't very sure of what to say. i am only 17 years old and i'd be fleeing just like that.

"i'd have to talk it over with your father. can we get back to you on this?" she quietly asks the therapist.

"of course, but we need an answer soon. probably a day or two, there's paperwork and such to go along with it so please get back to us as soon as you can."

"of course, thank you." i speak up for my mother.

we walk out swiftly along each other. with the tension now, there's going to be a fight in the car to follow.

and i do not back down.

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