chapter 11- it was perfect

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i don't know what ashton and i are. the amount of fights we have been in during the past week is unbelievable. we would fight over the simplest things in the whole world like who would get into the shower first or who could wash their clothes first. it was one of most hectic weeks in my whole entire life. since it's friday, we usually do something "fun", although since they were young it was a lot of dumb ideas that were executed. but since it was one week away from parent's week, we're giving back and volunteering at the local hospital. i was quite excited for it if you were to ask me, but i can't stand being around ashton. we could never just be together in peace and it starting to take a toll on my mental state. i was just worn down and my breaking point was just within reach.

"ready?" i hear ashton mumble as he shoves things into his bag.

"yeah, let's go." i mutter quietly and rush out the door.

i feel him closely on my heels as we walk over to our designated area. we were to take the buses over with another grade and then separate from there. we were going over to the psych ward and getting to talk to the people who are in that wing. in my opinion, i don't think it's the best idea for myself to be i that wing. after what happened, i was stuck there for many weeks and missed so much school i almost had to repeat that year. soon enough, ashton starts yelling and laughing with the kids which brings me out of my thoughts. in the end, my mind was just plain foggy and in need of help.

"miss. brin? are we almost ready to go? i want to sleep on the bus." the little girl, diana, asks me.

"my goodness, we're just about ready to go. why don't we ask mr. ashton if he knows, c'mon." i take her hand and brings her over to ashton where he was talking with some of the boys.

"mr. ashton?" diana giggles while poking his back, "can i ask you something?"

"of course, diana. what is your question?" he laughs while bending down to her height.

"when are we going?" she smiles.

"how about right now?" he asks quickly.

"yay!" she laughs and runs over to the buses where other kids were starting to line up.

he stands up and stares into my eyes for a moment before walking away. with that quick glance, he read all of my emotions and i could read all of his and all i got was hurt. although, i couldn't understand why he was hurt when all he did was yell at me. we would yell at each other, but he would say so many hurtful things.

i follow all of the kids on the bus and make sure that they're all on. once on the bus, i attempt to find a seat, but since we had another grade there was only one seat next to ashton. ashton was starting to look at his phone in a way to ignore me. without saying a word, i sit down next to him and shake my head. his eyes glance towards me and the back towards his phone.

"can we talk?" i whisper since the bus was dead silent.

"there's nothing to talk about, brin." he states quietly.

"cut the bullshit, ashton, we both are aware of what we need to talk about." i whisper harshly.

"not here and not now, brin. we'll talk about this later after we get home, okay?" he rolls his eyes slightly.

"whatever, asshole." i huff and rest my head back. slowly, my eyes close and i fall into a light sleep.

i didn't know when we got there and how long we were there, but i all i know was ashton shoving me making me almost fall out of the seat. i shake my head and mentally groan as i climb off the bus and wait for the kids. one by one, they come out of the bus, all of them giggling about something different. this just makes me want to have kids even more than before. maybe it was that or i was wishing to be a kid again. everything was just so simple and i didn't have a care in the world. being a kid is fucking fantastic because no taxes. that's the only reason, but no, being a kid again would be amazing. but once you go through certain things, there's no turning back. you're an adult forever and that's mostly terrifying.

as we made our way inside, i stayed towards the back and ashton went to the front. he claims that he has done this plenty of times and it was no big deal and i wasn't going to fight that. he is much more stubborn than i set him out to be. he also claims he did not cry manly tears so in other words he bawled his eyes out. that would be a sight i wish to see since he acts so tough around just about everyone.

soon, we were inside and every single one of us had to get name tags so that included helping kids write their names on a soft surface. half of the kid's pens didn't end up working so they were freaking out and my nerves were getting worked. i try my best to keep my calm, but trust me, it's a lot harder than it seems. ashton is one of those people who keeps their feelings on the inside and he would be really hard to crack rather i was one to put some on display and keep others. i was obviously very undeceive when it came to those things. i hate people knowing, but i hate people not knowing. once everyone has name tags, we head off to the psych ward. we were supposed to have a guide to show us around, but we had to get up there and then find a nurse named kyle. i always though guy nurses were amazing and broke the mold. i love finding people like that.

once upstairs, we find kyle waiting for us with a huge smile. he talked to our little group before setting us into three groups. one for me, one for ashton, and one for himself. we had about two hours before lunch and a small break and then back for another hour. only time will tell what in the world is going to happen through out this day.

this was a filler and some interesting shit will go down next chapter!! I'll try to update on time, but I'm on vacation and I see 5sos on the 29th and I'm super excited.

but anyway, hope you liked this chapter and stay rock all you punks.
(I came up with that on the spot, I'm sorry akaosbdllapsi)

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