chapter 24- i'm coming

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after getting into the car up there isn't much talking, mainly just cold stares out the window until we arrive at his house. we both climb out of the car, not really paying any sort of attention to each other. the cold breeze was starting to nip at my pale skin make small goosebumps pop up all over my exposed arms.

we are both way too stubborn to say sorry and even more stubborn to talk to each other so i follow him around like a lost puppy until we end up in his room. we change into pajamas at the same without looking at each other and fall into the large bed. okay, so i really didn't fall into bed, but after the events today, it sure felt like that.

i look towards my feet, but slowly stopped at the bump that was sticking out even more than it was the day before. my tight tank top makes it look bigger than it really is and to think there is a child growing inside of me astonishes me.

ashton must have caught my gaze and turns his head to look at the bump. i watch his hands move slightly towards my stomach and then pull away faster than they were put there. i sigh and take his hand and place it on the tiny baby bump. his hand relaxes slowly and his eyes turn to meet mine. he rubs his hand around the bump which happens to move my tank top up even more.

i push his hand off and move the tank top up until it's right over the bump. his warm hand hits my skin and it's almost chemical reaction and a surging tingling feeling runs through my veins. his hand makes small circular movements around the rather large bump for someone who is only two and half months pregnant.

"can we talk?" i hear him mumble from beside me.

"only about the child. we can talk about everything else tomorrow because i don't think i have the energy to do it tonight." i explain softly.

"only about our baby tonight," he confirms. the fact that he used 'our' easily made me smile even after what we put each other through.

"do you have any questions?" i ask.

"actually, yes, i have many. have you been to a doctor yet? who else have you told? are we raising this child together? can it take my last name?" the questions pour out of his mouth like an overflowing bathtub.

"not yet, but soon and i've told my immediate family. i want to raise this child together and," i take a moment to ponder the next question before building the courage to answer, "yes. it can have your last name."

"thank you, brin. i don't think you know how much that means to me. i will help raise the child in every possible way i can." ashton sighs loudly.

the silence swarmed us quickly and welcomed us into it's arms. it was a weird kind of silence although. it was nice, peaceful for the most part. i think we were both kind of angry and sad with each other, but for the most part, it was nice.

it takes me a minute before asking an important question, "do you want a boy or a girl?" i bite my lip while waiting for his answer.

"i don't care. i just want us to be happy together and have a healthy child. i'll love the child regardless of the gender." he answers quickly like he already thought about it.

"that was very sweet ashton. thank you for bringing me back here again, it really means a lot that you still trust me," i say with my eyes glued to the ceiling. there is a small sound of satisfaction from him and then the silence was back.

his hands were still tracing every part of my stomach making the skin prick with small, tingling goosebumps. maybe it is at the point that i realize that i am falling for a boy with beautiful hazel eyes and curly hair that makes my heart race. to think it didn't even really take that long to fall hopelessly in love (or almost in love) with him.

slowly ashton's movements across my stomach stop and i feel the bed dip closer to me. i feel a hand on my shoulder that turns me over to face ashton. we make eye contact and although we've done sexual acts with each other, this is the most intimate i have ever felt with him. here we are, laying with each other and actually together as boyfriend and girlfriend and we're expecting a child together. i have never felt more secure with something in my whole entire life and it is an amazing feeling.

although it probably isn't the best time, my mind is racing and i feel the need to ask another important question regarding our child. "what about your family, ashton? we need to tell them, how are they going to feel about it?" i ask timidly.

"we can tell them tomorrow and we'll do it together. it was a joint effort to make the baby so it's a joint effort to support it and tell everyone." he explains with a small voice.

"are you scared?"

"yes and no. i'm not afraid to tell my family since they are so supportive and i know they won't be too upset, but if they are... i'll have you. what i really am afraid of is being the father my dad was. i don't ever want to leave you like my dad did," he says taking a moment to breathe.

"he left my mother with me when i was a young child and she didn't have a lot of money so she struggled. the father of her child and her husband had left her for the dust and i don't think i could ever do that to you."

"thank you so much ashton," i choke out before letting tears out for the second time that day.

he doesn't say anything and rather brings me into to cuddle and whisper sweet nothings into my ear.

i hope he has his arms open and ready to catch because here i was completely and utterly falling in love with a boy named ashton irwin.
hi it's 2016 hope it's going good
peace, love you

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