chapter 12- unwanted memories

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i had five kids follow me through the halls of an unwelcoming hospital. we had 10 rooms to visit in two hours and i was confused whether i should be excited or dreading it. hospitals weren't exactly my favorite thing in this world, but all i could do was stick through it. the kids were pretty excited, they are basically bouncing on their heels.

quickly, we approached our first room. one of the kids went up to the door and knocked lightly. we wait for a moment before hearing a quiet 'come in'. the little boy opened the door and we were greeted with a young girl with just about no hair. as soon as she sees us, she sits up with a huge smile. she looks about 14 which just make me even more upset.

"i was told i was going to have visitors! thank you guys for coming in! my name is Kara!" she smiles widely at the sight of small children.

"this is diana, tiger which is a nickname, liam, kellin, vic, and i'm brin!" i introduce all of us which made her smile even more. maybe this wasn't going to be too bad.

"come sit on my bed! tell me all about your hopes and dreams!" she watches as they all sit down and start mumbling about things i was too tired to listen to.

i was lost in my own thoughts when i heard vic saying "what about you, ms. brin?" i was entirely confused so i tried to play cool.

"what exactly do you want to know?" i tease him and raise my fingers to tickle him. he automatically starts giggling while throwing himself backwards and screaming random words. all of the other kids watch as i attempt to tickle him with bright smiles including kara. maybe this was going to a great day.

<ashton's pov>

she looks so happy. i walked past the room where brin happened to be and i swear i've never seen her smile that bright unless she's with kids. and let me tell you, it was the most adorable thing in the whole world. that's also how i caught myself staring at somebody who didn't give two shits about what i was doing or what i was doing. i left my kids to come and find where brin was. we were supposed to talk except she looks too happy to pull her away now.

i walk myself all the way back to the room where my kids were. we had to leave this patient soon, but all that was on my mind was brin. i need to talk to her so bad and i know she isn't going to be happy about whatever i have to say, but you can't always be happy. i rush my kids out of the door and find the next room. our of the corner of my eye, i see brin head into the room next to us. i introduce everyone and then leave the room again. brin look like she was talking again and i didn't want to bother so i was just going to wait until she leaves the room. i loose myself in thoughts and suddenly feel somebody wrap their scrawny arms around me. taken back, i slowly hug back to find out it's brin. i stroke her hair before she pulls back and i realize she is full on sobbing in front of me.

"brin, what's wrong?" i ask as i feel my heart race. i'm so worried about her.

"i- he- i," she attempts to create a sentence, but everything was too much at the moment.

i pull her back in for another hug and slowly stroke her back. she continues to cry and i just hold her and try to reassure her that everything would be okay. she just cries and shakes for a good five minutes. soon, she pulls back and stares at me.

"i'm sorry. i didn't mean to cry that hard, but this was just all so much at one time." she laughs an unamused laugh while wiping her eyes.

i watch her as she wipes under her blue eyes, which now seem clouded. her makeup was just a little messed up, but i swear i've never seen her look so beautiful. she readjusts her shirt a couple times before finally looking me in the eye. i'm so lucky to be in this kind of situation with her because it made me realize how much i might love her.

"what happened in there?" i ask extremely concerned.

"old emotions finally fucking caught up with me. i overreacted though so it's that big of a deal." she sighs, looking exhausted.

"it's a big deal since you just cried for a total of ten minutes without saying a word to me. you sobbed for about five though and trust me they're different." i roll my eyes, i know when she lies to me.

"it was for that long? i'm sorry i didn't even realize how long i was here for. i feels like i just left the room and saw you. i was actually going for the bathroom and saw you." she explains with a small glint in her eye.

"it's okay, i actually wanted to talk to you." i smile, trying to lighten the mood.

"why did you accept my hug? i've kind of been a bitch to you the past couple of days and i didn't think you wanted to talk to me."

"because i care about you. whether you want to believe that or not, i will always care about you even if we end up worst enemies. i only met you a couple weeks ago and you've played a huge role on my life." i admit a honest answer since thats the only thing she really deserved.

i regret all of the things i've said to her in the past three days. it was such a bad idea and i can't believe i let myself do that. i mean we stopped sleeping the same bed because of all the fights we had. maybe it was a consequence of moving things way too fast. like i said earlier, we've only met each other a couple weeks ago and we've made unbelievable amount of progress. maybe it was a bad thing, but i can't be happier than i am in this moment.

with what i said to her she just stared for a good couple of moments before looking at me hugging me. it only took me a couple of seconds to hug her back and forget all of those nasty things we've said to each other in the past week.

and let me tell you, it was a damn good feeling.

they're better (for now...)

but hey 5sos in concert is a great thing and i lost my voice from it. i also saw otra and somehow got to the front row and made eye contact and smiled and nodded at Niall horan and then sobbed but it's no big deal.

i have another concert tomorrow aka 5sos round two and i am going to lose my voice again :-) great
see ya around u froot loop

(it's like 1 in the morning idk what's going on in rambling... BUT THAT MEANS I SEE 5sos TODYA)

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