chapter 7- to be or not to be

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"they're really annoying, i don't think you're going to like them." ashton says with a worried expression.

every sunday we have off from camp so most of the time it's a day to chill. this sunday actually happens to be the first time i meet his friends and he was beyond nervous. i have no idea why, but if they're anything like ashton i know i'll like them. he was pacing our cabin floor and checking his phone about every 10 seconds.

"they're just your friends, ashton! why are you so nervous?" i ask him and grabbing his hand to stop him from pacing.

"they aren't just my friends. they are really annoying and you know? i should just send them home." he goes to dial one of their numbers.

"ashton, no. it's okay, they aren't going to annoy me, now tell me the real reason of why you don't want them to come." i plead.

"i'm afraid they're going to scare you away, they can be really intimidating! one has a lip ring, the other looks like he has a banana in his hair, and the other dyes his hair every 10 days. sometimes they smoke and party too hard and they're going to scare you." he admits and lets out a sigh of relief.

"dude, they aren't going to scare me," i say while pulling him next to me on the bed, "the group of people i hang out with are exactly like that." that was not entirely false because they do act like that sometimes, but not all of the time.

"okay that makes me feel a little bit better, but i'm just warning you. they are also really fucking loud and they might say some offensive things. they're not used to having the other gender around them, they won't know how to act in front of you."

"i'm okay with that! now how about we just make out until they get here."

nothing much has happened with ashton and i since our date. it was only a couple days later and we haven't been able to get out on a date since camp is in full swing. we aren't anything offcial, but i hope we do at one point except we aren't so for the time being we just make out a lot.

"hello, ashton fuckwin"! the sudden yelling makes me jump off of ashton and look at the three boys standing in the doorway.

"michael, you are yelling!" ashton says as soon as he stands up and brushes himself off.

"hey, ash, introduce us to your pretty little lady, would ya?" the boy who ashton said looks he has a banana in his hair smirks.

"i'm brin, nice to meet you," i say, standing up to shake their hands.

"well i'm calum, michael is the loud one, and luke is the one who is just standing there. so are you two a thing?"

"not quite offcial." i shrug and luke walks over to ashton to give him a 'man hug.'

"you should lock her down, mate, she seems perfect." i hear luke attempt to whisper.

"i know, i know." ashton sighs.

"so, brin, tell us about yourself!" michael smiles creepily towards me.

"what do you want to know?"

"any sisters that happen to look like you? maybe even a brother because you must have beautiful genes." i cringe as soon as he mentiosn the word sister.

"i'd rather not talk about my siblings, how about you tell me about your families." i suggest, quickly trying to get off of the subject.

"oh, uh, sorry." michael quickly apoligizes and lets the other boys take over.

we talk for a while, just trying to get to know each other. we must have been sitting for an hour before ashton stands up and suggest we go take a walk since he was 'getting bored'. we all stand up and head stright for the woods although it was getting pretty late considering we had to work in the morning. ashton and i stayed towards the back of the group so we could hold hands without the others boys teasing us.

"this girl was amazing, i swe-" i watch as calum's figure fall into something. the boys and i atuomatically start cracking up at how calum couldn't see there was a swamp in front of him.

"holy balls, why is this shit so cold?" he gasps loudly.

"you're such an idiot, how could you not see that there was a swamp in front of you?" luke giggled quite loudly. i do have to admit he has an adorable laugh.

"there is going to be karma you guys, don't worry. except for for you, brin, your wrist is already broken because of ashton, so you'll be okay. now one of you fuckers help me out," he rants and waits for someone to pull him out. luke was the first to reach for him and when he did, calum swiftly pulled him in.

"i hate your guts, calum t hood! how could you do this to me?" he screams, ashtonished that his best friend just did that to him.

"you two are idiots, let's go." michael shakes his head and walks over the two boys who were still sitting in the disgusting swamp.

ashton and i follow michael through the woods and i still didn't know where i was going. suddenly, our guide screams so loud that it ruins my ear drums.

"what the fuck, michael?" i yell.

"i have like eight thorns stuck in my arm and they hurt so bad, i'm going to die. tell my parents that i love them and guys you have been great fri- FUCK!" he screams louder.

"you were being a dumbass, you can pull thorns out of your arm." i shrug and pull ashton to the front.

"damn, that girl is amazing." i hear the boys whisper to each other.

soon enough, we reach the end of the woods and we were brought back to the front of the camp site.

"we should get going, we have a long road trip ahead of us." luke motions to himself and calum. michael was standing there with small blood marks on his arm.

"yeah, it's getting pretty late and we have to work in the morning," ashton agrees.

"well thanks for having us, we'll be back another time and that means i expect you two to be offcial." michael smirks and we both blush.

"whatever, michael, go drive those two home." ashton pushes the three along to their car.

"we have to give hugs, don't forget!" calum says and goes for a hug and i step back right away.

"it was great meeting you guys, but the only one i'm hugging is michael since he is the cleanest."
i laugh at their pouting expressions.

"it's okay, brin, ashton will always give hugs." luke smiles sinister before crushing ashton and soon calum joins in.

"ugh! i hate you guys, goodbye and get off of me!" ashton laughs quite loudly. he was now covered in mud by calum and luke.

"okay, okay, i love you man and see you soon, brin. it was great meeting you." luke grins from ear to ear.

ashton and i watch as the boys argue about who is driving, then slowly pile into the car. they honk before we watch their headlights disappear into the night. before walking off, ash takes me by surprise and hugs me so the mud lands on my clothes too. afterwards, the two of us walk back to the cabin, hand in hand, and we both slwoly collapse on our own bed when we get back. ashton had a queen size bed while i had a twin size so he looked more relaxed. he left to go get changed and i got changed while he was gone. i was just about asleep when he got back into the sleeping area and he lifted me up and placed me on his bed.

"goodnight, brin." he places a kiss on my forehead.

"goodnight, ashton." i say and bring him for a kiss.

"did you have a fun time tongiht? they weren't that bad, were they?" he questions, sleepily.

"they were really fine to hang out with. you have some really good friends, ashton." i smile softly even though we were in the dark.

"good, i'm glad." he mumbles.

i sit there under the covers before i feel ashton pull me closer so he was the big spoon. he nuzzles his head into my shoulder and sigh quietly.

i could get used to the feeling of falling asleep like this.

so basically brin is done being a little bitch for right now. the rest of the boys were introduced and today is Ashton's birthday and makes me very sad. in other news, my birthday is 8 days away so that's exciting!!! but here is this chapter and now it's summer, updates should be quicker!

enjoy, friends.

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