Common Room

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It was a long and awkward ride to Hogwarts. Awkward in the sense that the whole time Draco hardly looked away from me. I still couldn't understand why.


The whole bloody train ride was purely dreadful. Adrian practically couldn't keep his distance from Aurora I didn't know why It bothered me so fucking much but it did.

It always did.


It was finally time for Snape's class and of course it was with the one and only Draco.

"Alright class time to assign seats" said Snape as we walked in.

"Draco and Blaise-"

"Pansy and Harry..."

He then assigned everyones seats leaving mine for last.

"Aurora and Adrian"

I didn't mind being around Adrian, we've always been close and actually got along pretty well.

"Well I guess it's my lucky day" said Adrian as he took his seat next to mine.

As we talked I felt like I was being watched.

And I was. 

By none other than Malfoy.

He looked at me and Adrian with pure disgust as his hands balled up into a fist.


I didn't understand, I tried yet it was truly an unnatural feeling.

It was as if I thrived on the fact that my remarks about her, always sent her into a rage you could easily see displayed in her expression.

I hated Aurora, but If you were to ask me why, I couldn't give you a simplistic answer.

And never could, I've even thought about it myself.

"Alright class is dismissed-" 

Later in the common room

"So-" said Pansy

"So what" I said with confusion.

"Oh please don't act dumb I saw what Adrian had said on the train"

"Well, no shit Pansy its Adrian he's like that with every girl at Hogwarts"

"That may be true but it's different with you, he actually seems to like you for more than just a hookup"

"Adrian, please don't even, do you remember who your speaking of-" I said with a chuckle at even the thought of that.

"You never know Aurora he could surprise you, oh you two would look so good together"

"Never happening he's Adrian, known him since first year"

"Suit yourself, I'm gonna go see you tomorrow."

And with that It was just me in the common room.

Until I heard someone come in, it was Malfoy himself.

We noticed each other almost instantly.

"I didn't think anyone would be here so late-"  he said as he walked closer to where I was sitting.

"Don't sound too sad Malfoy I was just leaving" I said as I went to get up and head for the door.

"Why so soon"  he almost whispered as he came so close to me, to where I could feel his warm breath against me and was overwhelmed by the of smell his cologne.

My breathing started to pick up as he hovered even closer and took my hair and put it behind my ear as he whispered.

"You know I didn't exactly picture you and Adrian- but I guess it makes sense now" 

"What are you on about now" I said nervous as ever by how close he had gotten, there was hardly any space between the two of us.

He let out a chuckle before he then proceeded to say

"Oh please by the way he stares at you, its so fucking obvious Aurora-"

"I don't know why you care anyways" I say slowly as he begins to back up and as my breathing gets heavier and heavier.

"You're right I don't, was just an interesting thought." he lastly spoke out, as he then abruptly leaves the common room leaving me confused as I remanence on what just happened, feeling our two bodies that close together was something I never thought would happen.

But It left me in thought, It was merely not what I had expected, but he's a Malfoy, they're all unexpected.


I left the common room as fast as I could, I never been that close to someone in a while, I truly never had any desire to, seeing the way my father was to my mother and I, the last thing I ever wanted, to be anything like how they were, to be anything besides him.

Yet, I couldn't shake the feeling, it was a weird one.

Guess we'll never know.

Hello there! I know I've only wrote two chapters but I honestly would love to hear some feedback and suggestions so far for how this story is going. (The chapters get longer as you read)

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