You Said It Yourself

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It was about a day before holiday, If I'm being honest I was more terrified than I thought I would be, I was terrified of what was to come, the dark lord had something planned and not many people knew, of course everyone knew of his presence and intentions he of course held, but not many people knew of how soon he would strike.

It was the next morning after me and Draco were on the astronomy tower, I know its a bad thought to think but it wouldn't leave my mind that, that could have been our last time on that tower.

"Im telling you Pansy there acting weird I-Its like they talk in the shadows of the corridors, looking around hoping no one listens, its weird is all Im saying" I hear Adrian say as I sat down in the dining hall.

"Bloody hell Adrian stop being so paranoid, truly your overthinking it" she replies

"Overthinking what?" I ask in confusion of what Adrian was on about.

"He thinks Mcgonagall and Snape are hiding something, just because he saw them having a private conversation-"

"Im telling you, they were worried about something, something big, I see them all the time just whispering in the halls with looks of worry" he says and I instantly knew, Mcgonagall and Snape were both aware of the situation, they both knew about the death eaters and the dark lord, it would only make sense if what Adrian was saying were true.

"Im sure its nothing Adrian we have no clue what they were talking about, it could have been anything" I say hoping to get Adrian off track.

"Yeah, maybe..." he says as we start making our way to potions, I took a seat at the back like usual.

"Bloody hell why are you so nervous?" asks Draco as he took a seat next to me.

"What? Im not..." I say as he takes his leg and puts it over mine underneath the desks which stopped the tapping my foot wouldn't stop doing.

"Aurora you always tap your bloody foot when you're nervous" he says, and he was right, merlin knows how he observed that.

"Yeah Draco I'm nervous, how can you not be?" I say whispering.

"Aurora, I practically puked yesterday, Im the one bringing in the shit show thats about to go down at this bloody school"

"Draco, for fucks sake it not your fault-"

"Yeah, Aurora who repaired the cabinet thats bringing in the hell thats about to go down? Because I reckon its the one who's a worker to the dark lord himself..."

"When are you gonna stop blaming yourself? You didn't get to choose, you were chosen" I say as we're still ever so quietly whispering, but I had to remind him that he's not the man to blame for the darkness that awaits.

After classes, I made my way back to my dorm.

"No detention today? Im surprised" I say to Pansy as I see her sitting at the bed.

"I actually do, just later today..." 

"Pansy, come on, cut the crap I know for a fact you don't have detention or late night study sessions as often as you say you do, its Blaise isn't it?" I ask already knowing the answer, the way the two of them disappeared together all two often, only a bloody fool wouldn't notice.

She then looks at me pale, in shock almost at the words I spoke.

"No clue what your on about..."

"Oh please don't lie right through your teeth-"

"Okay and what about it? Its just pointless hookups, no big deal" she says looking down, but it wasn't, it wasn't pointless hookups the tension around them, the way they looked at one another, I knew it was much more.

I never hated you (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now