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As I woke up I was still reminiscing on last nights events.

The way I was caught by surprise.

The way he whispered in my ear, it wasn't how I had pictured.

But this was Draco Malfoy we're talking of, then again you take a look at any Malfoy, they all with no doubt hide secrets from within that you couldn't quite put your finger on.

Thats what made them so known, there were all titled entitled yes, but also unexpected.

As I was making my way to breakfast I saw Pansy, Adrian and Draco all already sitting down.

"Aurora over here-" Pansy called out as I walked In.

"Hey guys-" I said followed by a yawn.

"You look real bloody tired, did u even get any sleep" as Pansy noticed the bags under my eyes.

"Yeah Im fine, just up late studying for that potions test" Knowing it was indeed because of the thoughts that had been replaying continuously, the Malfoy name-in general it always kept me up.

Draco looked at me as if he knew something kept me unsettled, it was strange, he was in general.

"Oh- I think you're mistaken Aurora we don't have a potions test." Draco said with a smirk catching me in my pathetic lie.

"Oh, shit you're right we don't" Pansy said confused, while the group looked at me in curiosity.

"Yeah I meant studying for the herbology one" I said nervously, hoping they would believe my lie and change the conversation.

"Well anyway, I can't believe we're finally learning about the amortentia potion Ive always wondered what I would smell, I don't know though, at the same time it seems like a load of rubbish-"

"We're learning that already?" I asked nervously not wanting to know who I would smell, particularly because I always thought it was either, like Pansy said not accurate, or maybe because the thought on not knowing was--in a way, thrilling.

"Yes isn't it intresting we get to smell what we're attracted to the most, probably some more bullshit from the books, but you still have to wonder"

"Yeah, I never really thought about it" I said as I tried to sound somewhat convincing, the amortentia has crossed my mind once or twice, it was with no doubt intriguing.

"I think Im pretty sure I know who i'm gonna smell-" Adrian said as he looked up at me and gave a quick wink, it was pure tease, sarcasm if you will, that was his personality.

I just shot him an awkward quick smile, and looked down at my food feeling someone keep a steady stare on me.

And something in my mind told me who it was.

"Im gonna go to the bathroom really quick-" I said making my way towards the bathroom until I feel footsteps following closely behind me.

And my thoughts didn't deceive me.

I quickly turn around coming face to face to him.


He starts slowly walking towards me with a somewhat unreadable expression.

"You talk a load of rubbish you know" he says in a low tone.

"As if you haven't thought about that amortentia shit, I've seen you read the books"

"Maybe you shouldn't watch me while I read" I said with a fake smile, as he nears closer.

"Oh please fucking save it Aurora, don't flatter yourself"

"Oh piss off Draco, you're one to talk" I say frustrated at the way he's raising his voice at me, so I simply return the favor.

He comes closer to me backing me up into the stone cold wall as he places his cold hand on my face lifting my chin up so Im face to face with him, as I was hesitant.

"Don't you ever raise your fucking voice at me again" He says sternly before coming even closer while he's still lifting my chin up.

"Did you hear me Aurora-or do I have to fucking repeat myself" he says as his grip on my chin, grew firm, he was always like this, needed to feel in control, he was a Malfoy after all.

"Merlins sake, I heard you alright" I say flustered as his signature grin forms upon his satisfied face, he then gets so close to my ear to where I can feel his hot breath against my neck.

"Good girl-"

He says as he pulls back leaving me against the stone cold wall, and at a loss for words as he hurried away.

This was honestly no surprise, he couldn't stand being stood up to, as if he deemed himself best of the best, most likely based off blood status, highly pathetic, what an absurd comparison of ones being.

But then again not surprising.

Hello there! I hope your enjoying this story so far Draco and Aurora are slowly but surely getting closer (the point of an enemies to lovers after all) Please let me know what you guys think!

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