Isn't That Right

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As usual I ended up falling asleep in Draco's room last night and tried to get out of there before he finished from the shower, once again I hated the awkwardness that came after spending the whole night with him. I quickly got out of bed and threw on my clothes and began tying up my shoes until I heard the shower turn off.

"Why do you always do that?" Draco asks coming out of the shower with nothing but a towel around his waist.

"Do what?" I ask confused.

"You try to leave before I can even see you, why?" he asks, and to be honest I thought that would have been what he wanted.

"Because I have to go back to my room to change before class" I say looking down.

"Is that the real reason?" he says walking over with his droplets of water coming down from his hair, while he grabs my chin to look at him.

"Or is it because you get nervous around me..." he says bringing his lips down to my ear.

"Whatever piss off" I say pulling back from him as he just chuckled, in a way he was right I don't know what it was, maybe it was the way he talked to me or probably the sensation I got when his hands came in contact to my skin, but he always managed to make me nervous. After I left his room I made my way over to mine, hoping Pansy wouldn't ask me a million questions but its Pansy, so she probably would.

"Well look who finally showed up" she says as I entered the room.

"Hello to you to Pansy" I say with a sarcastic smile.

"You know you barely even use this room anymore, is Malfoy's more comfortable?" she asks with a smile as I just gave her a blank stare.

"So what's been going on between you two, you barely even talk to me anymore since your always busy so you need to catch me up" She say's while she plops down on the bed, and I honestly didn't even know what to tell her.

"I honestly have no idea..." I say, which was the truth I had no idea what me and Malfoy were, I had no idea what he thought of me, he never was good at expressing any type of emotion, but I knew what I thought about him, I was honestly so worried about him finishing his task, he first had to repair the cabinet but that wasn't even the worst part. I knew he wanted to seem like he was okay, like he could take it but I knew him better than that, I knew he was terrified and so was I.

"Aurora, despite what everyone says don't feel bad for associating any other word besides bitter with Malfoy, he's changed, not much but I could tell he has and I know it's all you, he might not admit it but you would have to be a fool to not realize." she says as she gives me a soft smile, and I hoped what she said was true, I hoped that I would be the one to show Malfoy that he wasn't his father, that he wasn't bitter or cold or any of those other words he uses on himself, I just hoped one day he would see himself the way I saw him.

After we got done getting ready we made our way to the dining hall.

"Bloody hell about time you two got here" said Blaise as we sat down.

"Aw you missed me too much huh?" Pansy says sarcastically.

"Piss off Pansy, you two should of got here before that Hufflepuff came over" he says.

"What Hufflepuff" asked Pansy confused since there weren't many Hufflepuffs that got along with Slytherins.

"The one obsessed with Aurora, Diggory of course" he said motioning over to where he sat.

"You should of saw the poor man he looked wrecked" said Adrian.

"What did he say?" I ask hoping Draco didn't come in during this conversation.

"He just asked how you were doing since you've been ignoring his entire presence"

"Im not ignoring him, he just needs to get the hint" I say, feeling terrible of how rude I sounded but it had to be said.

"Yeah I told him to give up, I hope he takes the bloody advice" says Blaise as I looked over at him, and he looked just like he did yesterday completely miserable I kept replaying what he said, he said he hated me, but honestly I couldn't blame him.

"Who won't take advice?" asks Draco as he sits down right across from me.

"No one" I say hoping to change the conversation.

"Diggory, the poor man is heartbroken" said Blaise as I kicked him underneath the table to hopefully shut him up.

"Well, he better get over it or his heart won't be the only thing broken" mumbled Draco.

"You really hate the man don't you?" asked Blaise.

"Ive never liked him from the start" said Draco as he looked directly at me with his piercing blue eyes and that bloody smirk that he always had, he seemed almost delighted at the state Cedric was in, almost like he was satisfied with me ignoring him, and that was because Draco was probably the most jealous person I have ever bloody met.

After breakfast we started making our way to class, where I usually sat at the back, and Draco usually sat right by me.

"You know that poor Hufflepuff looked so miserable today" he said as he tilted his body towards mine and whispered into my ear.

"It brings me so much fucking joy knowing you broke his little heart for me" he says with a smile I could practically feel against my skin.

"Tell me Aurora you ignore him now right? you don't even pay him no attention because your mind just wanders to me isn't that right..." he asked this already knowing the answer, he already knew I was ignoring Cedric because of him, he already knew It was only him I thought about, he already bloody knew that it was all him.

"Come on Aurora, answer me aren't I right?" he says while he sneaked his hand to my upper thigh giving it a squeeze waiting for my answer.

"Yes, yes Draco you're right"  I whisper out while his mouth is still hovering over my ear sending chills throughout my whole body, him being that close always did that to me.

"See, thats a good girl...thats my good sweet Aurora"  he whispers lowly into my ear leaving me flustered before pulling away looking right ahead back at the class like nothing happened. I just looked at him while that bloody grin slowly formed onto his face almost as if he was proud at the way he spoke to me, like he was proud at the way I just listened to what he told me, and I knew he was, he loved the feeling of being in control


Seeing Diggory looking completely miserable brought so much satisfaction to me, hearing Aurora say she now ignores him was music to my fucking ears. Even the mere thought of his hands touching her made me fucking disgusted, anyone besides me caressing her beautiful fucking skin made me nauseate, anyone besides me making her feel good made me repulse. I wanted to believe the words she spoke, she really thinks I'm anything but bitter I don't know why, I had no clue what the hell went through her brain, for merlins sake she could bloody die at the hands of the dark lord because of me, and she knew that, she knew exactly what was at risk yet she still believed I was something more, she still had the delusional thought that I could be anything more than my father, don't get me wrong its a good sight to see, but utterly unrealistic. 

I knew had to keep her away, but it was the last fucking thing I wanted to do, no in fact I wanted to do the opposite I wanted to bring her in a million times fucking  closer. I wish I could push her away, I wish my brain would let go of the thought of her, but it wouldn't, I wish I could do that, let her go, let her be happy without her wasting herself on me, but I don't think I ever could.

I couldn't fucking let go of her If I tried.

Aurora, I just wish you saw me the way I saw myself, then you would run, just like you should.

Sorry Cedric... Anyways I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and I would really appreciate it if you guys vote as it really does help my story. As always let me know your thoughts on this chapter and on my story in general, I hope you guys are enjoying so far.

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