Feels So Right

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It was the next morning and it was also a couple days from holiday, I know the Weasleys invited me and I always felt welcomed by them, but I just couldn't help but feel like a burden if I were to stay at the burrow.

"For merlins sake Aurora, hurry up" I hear Pansy say as I wake up to her practically yelling like always.

"Do you know what an inside voice is Pansy?" I ask as I slowly wake up.

"Mhm, no" she says as she continues to get ready and I do the same.

 "By the way, why do you always have detention? Its like practically everyday at this point" I ask confused.

"Oh come on Aurora you know how Snape is, now let's go" she says as we walk out to the dining hall, and take a seat with the rest.

"Bloody hell, has anyone seen Draco?, I swear that man deserves a bloody reward for best disappearing act, not to mention he's always late" says Blaise and he was right, Draco was there one second and gone the next, if only they knew why.

"Yeah, I saw him talking with Diggory earlier on the way coming here, they both looked pretty pissed" says Adrian.

"Wait he was talking to Cedric?" I ask terrified at the many outcomes of a situation like that, none of them being good.

"Yeah back in the corridor, couldn't quite make out what they were saying though"

"For merlins sake Malfoy hates the man, someone better go before one of them ends up with Madame Pomfrey" Says Blaise, since practically everyone knew how much Draco and Cedric had it out for each other. 

"I'll go" I say getting up.

"I'll come, I already know one of them is gonna shed blood" says Blaise as he gets up with me and we make our way to the corridors.

"You know Aurora, Malfoy has never took a liking to Hufflepuffs but he's never truly hated one like Diggory until you came along" says Blaise as we're walking.

"We don't even know what they're fighting about" I say, but who was I kidding I knew it was about me.

"Oh please your too humble Aurora, we both know the poor man Cedric is in love with you, and Malfoy doesn't like that very much, I seen the two of you when your around each other, you can deny it all you want, but Draco has never looked at someone the way he looks at you." Blaise says with a slight smile.

"Im gonna be transparent with you Aurora, Malfoy he's not a good man, we've been the best of friends since we were kids, I out of all people would know" he says which almost made me feel the slightest bit discouraged, I mean Blaise out of all people even considered Draco a cruel man, they have practically been inseparable since their first year.

"But Aurora, if Draco would trust someone like you with information like being a bloody death eater, then that in itself speaks volume" he says as I look at him with slight shock, I had no clue he knew about Draco.

"Blaise, you know about the mark, about his task?" I ask.

"Draco was acting all weird and secretive, I knew something was wrong, and with his fathers history It wasn't hard to put all the pieces together, I brought it up to him and he finally told me, he was a bloody worker for the dark lord himself, I asked if anyone else knew and he said no one but you" he says while looking at me.

"He needs you Aurora, now more than ever, he would never dare say, but Draco is in one messy  situation, a bloody dark situation, he needs that one person to shed that slight bit of hope that he needs, and there's no doubt that its you" he says as we continue walking.

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