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It was finally winter break, everyone was about to start boarding the train soon.

"Pansy are you ready?" I ask as I was almost done.

"To be honest no, Im not" she says as she looks at me with a look of worry, I knew Pansy was scared, we all were but we had to go on as if nothing has changed, as if we weren't about to be under bloody attack by the dark lord himself.

"I know Pansy, me neither"

"Aurora, please be careful your going to a bloody house where the death eaters themselves eat and sleep, who knows what else they do-"

"I will, I promise" I say as we exchange smiles.

"You told Adrian right?" I ask, since Pansy said she was going to let him know.

"Yeah, he was trying to hide it, but it was as clear as day, he's just as bloody terrified as the rest of us"

We then were on our way, as we board the train we look for Adrian, Draco, and Blaise and take a seat at the booth they were seated at.

"So are we going to talk about it or what?" said Blaise as silence filled the table.

"Yeah might as well start saying our goodbyes-"

"Bloody hell Adrian" said Pansy nudging him with her elbow.

"Sorry, just a bit of dark humor-"

"We can't think like that, even if it is a thought that passes" I sternly say.

"She's right-" says Blaise

"Yeah, and what if this is the last bloody time were all in the same place together-"mumbles Draco under his breath.

"For merlins sake what is with you guys, have a little bloody hope-" I say trying to get their minds out of the dark place they were trailing off to.

"Not everyone can think as bloody positive as you Aurora-"

"You think Im positive every hour out of the day? For fucks sake you should see me nauseate thinking about the dark lord, but I try my best, thats all anyone could do" I spit out, and it was true, I may have seemed okay but deep down I was mortified, I started to think the same thoughts they were, the same thoughts that we ever so badly didn't want to come true.

It was a long train ride, but me and Draco eventually got there, to the one and only Malfoy Manor.

"Let me guess Im pureblood as soon as I step in there" I say, aware of the fact that the Malfoy's took blood status to a different level of importance.

"No use, my father would know you were lying, as for my mother she never seemed to care"

With that we made our way inside, bloody hell was that house huge.

"Ah, Lucius they're here" says who I assumed was Narcissa, she looked so happy to see Draco.

"You must be Aurora"

"Yes, pleasure to meet you" I say as she gives me a slight hug, she wasn't as intimidating as I thought.

"Draco I missed you so much" she says as she gives Draco a hug as well, you could see she truly cared for him.

"Aurora, is it" says the one and only Lucius, he was the one I was afraid of, he was everything Draco didn't want to be.

"Yes, pleasure to meet you sir" I say firmly as we shook hands.

I never hated you (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now