Just Watching

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I stormed out of there as fast as I could in shock by what I had just said to her, Ive always wanted to be that close to her.

To where I could smell her intoxicating scent.

It drove me fucking insane.

"Where the hell have you been?" asked Pansy as I sat down with the rest of them at the dining hall.

"No where" I said quietly hoping they would ask no further questions.

"Wheres Aurora? I haven't seen her since last class" asked that piece of shit Pucey.

I don't know why the fuck he was always so concerned with her, It was as if she were to be the only thing on his mind.

I always got annoyed when she was the topic of discussion, why, maybe its because I disliked the taste of her name.

Or maybe it was the thoughts I associated with it.

I never endured the sensation I have been recently, when we got as close as we were.

I mean she was just a pathetic fucking half blood.

Or maybe thats the excuse I use, the excuse I used to talk rubbish on her name.

But then again I had to snap back to reality, she wasn't what I previously would describe.

She was Aurora.

"Adrian you talk about Aurora a lot care to tell us anything?" asked Blaise as we all waited for an answer.

"Come to think of it your right Blaise, I never thought Id see a day where Adrian asked about a girl for more than just wanting to end up in her dorm." said Pansy amused at the thought of Adrian and Aurora being together.

"Maybe I do, I mean its Aurora we're talking about, how can someone not be somewhat intrigued by her?"

And with those words leaving his mouth I was about done with this bullshit, he didn't care for her, I knew he didn't, he was all talk, it was honestly quite pathetic to watch.

"Too bad she probably doesn't give a shit about you Pucey" I said making sure my point was there and clear.

"You got a problem Malfoy?" was his smug response.

"Of course not" I said as we shot each other death glares.


I decided to start making my way to the dining hall since I've been gone for a suspiciously long time, hoping no one would ask questions.

"About time Aurora, you can't leave me alone with these bozos for too long." said Pansy as I sensed some tension at the table.

"Oh please Pansy you know you love us" said Blaise with a smirk.

"Whatever lets go, we can't be late to class." she said as we started walking.

Professor Lupin didn't really mind where we sat in class I usually sat anywhere and Adrian always sat right by me.

But not this time.

As I took my seat Draco came right next to me I shot him a confused look and he gave back a smirk.

That bloody smirk, that rarely managed to leave his lips.

"Meet me in the hallway after class we need to talk" he whispered as class started.

What else did he possibly have to say, I asked myself.

"Why should I?" was my snarky response.

"Just fucking do it, okay?" he basically ordered back with slight frustration.

I never hated you (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now