The Train

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It was the start of 5th year on the Hogwarts express all the students talking, laughing excited for the new year, not knowing what's to come.

What awaits.


The start of a new year, as I sat on the train I thought to myself how different everyone was from first year, how everyone has matured, changed, it was all so different. I had great bonds with the students of Hogwarts, well most of them at least. Not him though.

Not the famous Draco Malfoy.

Draco and I had a very weird and complicated approach to one another. We rarely talked but when we did it was short and bitter. I never knew why, why did he dislike me so much-as if my presence alone disgusted him. He never even looks me at me when he's practically insulting me. It's always "you filthy half blood" or "your never going to be a true Slytherin." But it never bothered me, why, Because for some reason any disgusting, nasty comment he would utter, I always felt he didn't truly mean it.


Another year at this pathetic excuse for a school. Being at Hogwarts was never a pleasure, my name would practically be everywhere, everyone always had their opinions of me, I guess one would call me intimidating, and its true one could describe me as mean and cold toward certain people, there were some I took a strong distaste towards more than others, Aurora Green grass. 

Why, I never knew, it was always my reaction when she came around, it was just agony when we were to be in the same circumstance of one another.

Yet as the same time when she pondered around, there was this pit in my stomach an unfamiliar feeling I strongly grew nauseous to, it was unsettling.

It was tarnishing, the thoughts that played in my head of the curiosity that grew within, that feeling sometimes was addicting, but yet still distasteful.

Feeling like I needed it yet hated it.

Maybe thats why my dislike for her grew with every second that passed, because of what she brought around.

Yet my younger self practically thrived on the expressions she made, when she took my words to offense.

But when she wasn't firing back, us, sitting in just the silence of the noise around, It always lead me to that unfamiliar feeling, I didn't like it, not one bit.

Yet I always wanted to be around her even if it was us just sitting in pure utter quiet,it was agonizing, it was uncalled for, I truly could not explain nor control it, just to be anywhere near her for a second could make me feel unnatural.

And it did.

Ever too often.


I always stuck around the fellow Slytherins, we always got along. As I got on the train I took a seat at the booth with Blaise, Pansy, Adrian and the one and only Draco Malfoy.

"Aurora Finally-" Pansy said as I took a seat next to Adrian, I looked slightly different than the previous year, in other words I looked a lot better than fourth year.

"I've been wondering where you were-" she said as she gave me a long awaited hug.

"You look great, different though from the last I saw you"

"Different as in..." 

"In a good way of course" nudging me with her elbow signaling the obvious.

"Hey guys how was your break-" I said to the rest.

"Pretty good-"  said Adrian "bloody fucking boring without you of course" he said with a wink.

Adrian has always acted of the such towards me, and I usually repaid the favor we never got into anything besides friends of course, then again he was like that with every girl, he never seemed to care.

"Shit Adrian  we aren't even at Hogwarts yet and you're already bloody flirting" Blaise said with a chuckle.

I gave a slight laugh while I noticed Draco, he had a stern, mad almost disgusted look on his face.  He looked me up and down as if a predator about to attack, it was quite unusual.

He was indeed always a strange one, no one ever knew what went on in that head of his, but I always wondered, I was indeed always curious.

But that slowly faded as he of course made his snappy remark.

"Aurora, I do always forget you attend this school"

"Oh piss off Malfoy-" 

I say irritated as we all sat, it was silent for a little while, as I kept my gaze on Malfoy from the corner of my eye, the tension between the two of us grew every year, one could say it grew every second, I wish I could sense why.

Hey everyone, thank you for reading my story, just to let you know the chapters will get longer as you read.

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