Your Gonna Regret That

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I was so furious at what Adrian had said, as I walked away It took awhile but I eventually cooled down as I made my way back to my dorm.

"Aurora fucking finally I've been looking for you everywhere, I heard what happened with Adrian..."  said Pansy as I plopped down on the bed.

"Don't even get me started on Adrian..." I said still clearly mad.

"Look Aurora Im not gonna tell you what to do, but I know for a fact that Adrian likes you and has for a while-we both know he would be so much better to you than Malfoy ever could be." she said with a sympathetic look.

"Trust me I know that, but I don't think I could ever like Adrian in that way even if I tried." 

And this was true, I honestly felt bad for Adrian he's always been the sweetest to me he was always there for me, but that didn't matter.

Because no matter what, no matter how damn hard I tried.

I could never stop thinking about him, as if I tried with everything in me, yet nothing seemed to work.

Thinking about his arms around me, the way he made me scream his name, the intoxicating smell that followed him everywhere, the way he touched me, the way he made me feel.

I couldn't stop my head from being consumed with those thoughts even if I tried, I have tried.

Even though I really should have, I should have tried even harder.

After me and Pansy got done talking we started making our way towards the dining hall where we took our seat before the rest of the group got there, as we were sitting I noticed someone calling out my name.

"Aurora"  said the brown haired Hufflepuff.

"Oh, hey Cedric what's up?" 

"Remember we have to finish that project for herbology." he said as he took a seat next to me.

"Oh-right I forgot we didn't finish it in class" I say remembering the partner project me and Diggory had to finish.

"Right so-let's meet later tonight in the library?" he asked with a soft smile.

"Sounds good, see you then" I say as we both exchanged a smile and he got up and made his way back to his table, where the Hufflepuffs sat.

"I didn't know you knew Diggory?" said pansy with a confused look.

"Oh, I don't really we just have one class and we have to finish up a project."

"Mhm- "Finish up a project" she said with her fingers quoting as she gave me a wink, I then shot her a confused look.

"Oh please Aurora you can't be that stupid its Cedric he's had it for you since second year"

"Pansy your going on about nothing, we can't just finish a project without you thinking dirty of it?" I ask as I then see the rest joining us at the table, with Draco right across from me.

"The hell are you two talking about?" asked Blaise as he heard some of our conversation.

Me and Draco's gaze soon shot up, piercing right through the other.

"Yeah, what are you two talking about?" asked Draco with a stern look as he's waiting for a response.

"Aurora and Diggory are "studying" tonight" says Pansy, as I give her a nudge with my elbow in hopes that she would stop talking.

"Aw are you finally giving poor Diggory a chance? you know he's been eyeing you since second year" said Blaise.

"See that's exactly what I told her, but she's in denial." answered Pansy, whilst I just sat their nervous to even look at Draco as I knew he would be more aggravated than ever.

"Would you two shut up already" I say sternly as Im praying they change the conversation.

"Whatever, hurry up unless you want detention with Snape tonight." she said as we got up and started to make our way towards class.

As we were walking I feel someone grab my wrist and push me right up against a wall in an empty hallway that was just around the corner, I recognized that touch anywhere.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing Aurora?" said Draco as his grip around my wrist tightened, pressing me even further against the wall.

"The hell are you talking about Draco..."I asked quietly not wanting to upset him anymore as I knew this was in fact because of Cedric.

"Don't play fucking dumb with me Aurora, studying with Diggory late at night? are you fucking serious? you're practically begging to be fucked."

"Piss off Draco, you can't tell me what I can or cannot do." I say with my head held high to try and show that I wasn't intimidated by him.

Even though in some way, I slightly was.

"Your just a damn magnet to these fucking morons aren't you?" he says getting more and more infuriated by the second.

"We're just gonna finish a project Draco- it's not a big deal" I say in a low voice in hopes that he calms down.

"Don't tell me it's not a big deal" he says as his hands pressed even harder against my wrist.

It was then silent for a few seconds as we both were face to face just looking back at one another.

He then gets so close to my face, I could feel his hot breath against my skin and could hear his heart racing faster with each second he grew with even more rage, it was a feeling like no other.

"Listen to me Aurora you are going to fucking cancel your stupid little study session with Diggory do you understand me?"  he said basically ordering me.

How dare he- how dare he tell me what I can or can't do, as if he's in control of me? 

Even if in a way he was.

This made me even more mad the fact that he thought he could order me around, I was fed up with it.

"No"  I say sternly, nervous as to what's to come.

"No?"  he asked as a wicked grin grew on his face which made me wonder what he was thinking, whatever it was it wasn't good.

"Your gonna fucking regret that Aurora..." 

Hey guys! thank you all so much for 1k reads! I know this was a short chapter but TRUST ME the next one will make up for it, there's gonna be a lot that happens... Please Don't forget to vote and let me know your thoughts on this chapter! 

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